Author Archives: liivih

Real Food Recipe: Goddess Salad

kale salad recipe

This delicious salad will titillate your taste buds, nourish your body and also fill your belly!

It’s high in healthy fats from greek yogurt, goat cheese, olive oil and avocado, which are nutritious and delicious. Plus they help your digestive system absorb the nutrients from the veggie ingredients.

Serve with salmon cakes or baked fish fillets for a filling yet light and energetic meal.

Real Food Recipe: Goddess Salad

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Real Food Recipe: Goddess Salad

A delicious and nourishing salad that won't disappoint!


    For the salad:
  • 6 cups organic Lacinato/black kale, chopped into comfortable small-ish pieces
  • 1 can chickpeas, drained, rinsed, and patted dry (soak them overnight if you can)
  • seeds of 1/2 a large pomegranate
  • 4 tbsp goat cheese, crumbled
  • 1.5 avocado, diced
  • 1/4 of a large red onion, finely diced
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • pink salt
  • garlic powder
  • cayenne pepper
  • For the dressing:
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt (raw/organic if possible)
  • 2 handfuls organic basil leaves
  • 1/2 tsp anchovy paste
  • juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • 1 small garlic clove, peeled
  • 1/2 tsp pink salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 400F and start by roasting the chickpeas: spread them out on some parchment paper on a baking sheet, season well with olive oil, salt, garlic powder and a little cayenne pepper, and roast for 25-30 minutes. They should be golden brown and a bit crispy. Mix a few times while they are baking to coat with oil.
  2. Next blend up the dressing. I used my food processor and blended it until it was quite smooth. If it's too thick, add a couple extra squirts of lemon juice. You can leave the dressing waiting in the food processor while you finish the rest.
  3. Chop your kale and place in a large mixing bowl. Drizzle with about 2 tbsp of olive oil, and massage it with your hands to wilt the leaves a bit.
  4. Pour in about 1/3 of the dressing and toss to coat the leaves, adding dressing as you please.
  5. Add the rest of the ingredients, and lift gently to incorporate them without mushing them.
  6. Serve it up, sprinkling with a little more salt and pepper plus a drizzle of dressing for a flourish.
  7. Keep the rest of the dressing in the fridge as a dip or sauce for other dishes.

A note on legumes

Clearly legumes aren’t “paleo”, and probably not even “primal”, but I’m all about enjoying life and going CRAZY once in a while! Ha. But seriously, legumes should never be a staple since they can be high in allergens and must be prepared properly. However, to add a little tasty accent to a dish once in a while is, in my books, totally fine.

What did you think?

Let me know your thoughts on this kale salad recipe! Did you have it as a main, an appetizer, a side dish? Did you like the flavour? I hope you didn’t exclude the anchovy paste! I know it sounds freaky, but it’s delicious ;) Let me know in the comments below, or on the Thrive Primal Facebook page.



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Recipe from Clara Persis Blog

How Food Affects Mood: Are These Nutrition Mistakes Ruining Your Day?

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Do you ever feel a little off-kilter, like anything your colleague/partner/kid says might hit you the wrong way? Maybe you feel fragile, like things affect you more than they should and you can’t quite bounce back. Or like you’re on a roller-coaster throughout the day, sometimes in a great mood and then suddenly hit a low?

Depressive disorders are now the leading cause of disability worldwide. (source) Let’s talk about the food-mood connection, and how to fix up some nutritional mistakes you could be making that are causing you to act like a crazy biatch.

These mood patterns could be so ingrained from eating your regular diet for ages that you won’t even know you’re being thrown off. Maybe you even just think it’s “your personality”, or “it must be menopause”, or “life is just too much and I get stressed”.

Try these techniques and you might just find a new balance.

How are nutrition and mood connected?

The human body basically contains 2 brains, one in the head, and one in the gut. These are formed from the same tissue during fetal development. Even when you’re all grown they’re still connected by the vagus nerve which travels up the abdomen. This nerve is how the bacteria in your microbiome communicate with the brain. (source)

A rapidly emerging field of research suggests that the microbiome-gut-brain axis is of substantial relevance to mood and behaviour. Similarly, unhealthy diet has recently emerged as a significant correlate of and risk factor for depression. […] Although in its early stages, the emerging field of research focused on the human microbiome suggests an important role for the gut microbiota in influencing brain development, behaviour and mood in humans. (source)

If your gut is healthy and balanced, the same will go for your brain and your moods. It’s vital to foster a healthy microbiome for many, many reasons, and stable positive mood is one of them. As explained here, “What we eat affects everything from our production of neurotransmitters and hormones to our energy levels and the quality of our synaptic connections – all of which can determine how well we respond to the stresses and demands of daily living.”

First a little good-mood-food inspiration…

Here are a number of testimonials from people who transitioned to real food / paleo nutrition:

I’m a little over 3 months Paleo but I cut the grains and sugar very gradually. I used to get depressed and angry, especially when I was tired or going through a stressful situation. In the last month or so, I’ve noticed that I haven’t gotten angry or depressed even though nothing has changed but my diet and overall health. Maybe it’s being healthier and my husband is also a lot happier (he’s Paleo, too) and healthier that’s made the difference. (source)

I have been eating a Paleo diet for about 6 weeks. Not only is my arthritis pain gone but I’m finding that I sometimes forget to take my meds for anxiety. […] My moods are better in that I’m handling things well without that overwhelming feeling that I can’t cope. […] I plan on keeping tabs on my moods and slowly reducing meds. (source)

I have struggled with depression for most of my life. I have now been eating paleo for about a year: meats, veggies, little fruit, little dairy, lots of fats, no coffee, some chocolate, little sugar. […] I have no real objective measurement, but I do feel that my memory is better, there is less fogginess in thinking and awareness, and I just feel that I’m on an even keel emotionally. Things that may have formerly upset me may still bother me, but bother me less. (source)

I inadvertently fell into a paleo diet while trying to cure my 4+ year long struggle with moderate depression (dysthymia) and the addiction to carbs and sugar that came along with it. In terms of ‘normal mood’ changes that I noticed, I find myself enjoying nature and wanting to be outside to get fresh air, if something stressful/upsetting occurs i’m able to deal with it properly and resume to a level/stable mood and I have motivation to complete goals and actually do things. If I have to cry, its therapeutic and I accept is as being a normal human emotion to release whatever i’m feeling as opposed to the deep/hopeless/painful crying that often accompanies depression. I no longer consider myself to be depressed and it is literally all thanks to the food i’m now feeding my body. (source)

Foods to avoid for better & more stable mood


Gluten intolerance is linked to autoimmune thyroid conditions (the body begins to attack the thyroid). The thyroid plays a huge role in regulating the metabolism and thereby keeping mood stable. Not only does gluten encourage autoimmune disease but it also damages mood-regulating functions in the gut:

A number of studies indicate that wheat can have a detrimental effect on mood, promoting depression and even more serious mental health problems such as schizophrenia. One mechanism that can help explain the mysterious connection between wheat and mental health problems is the fact that wheat inhibits production of serotonin.

Neurotransmitters like serotonin can be found not just in your brain, but also in your gut. In fact, the greatest concentration of serotonin, which is involved in mood control, depression and aggression, is found in your intestines, not your brain! (source)

This indicates that when you eat wheat the serotonin that should be produced in the gut is inhibited, and your mood suffers. Basically, wheat = sad and angry.

SOLUTION: Try entirely eliminating gluten for 2 weeks. If this sounds hard, try Real Plans for ready-made meal plans and shopping lists.


Sugary foods have a toxic effect on your mood and mental health, not only through the direct effect of “sugar high –> sugar low” but also via at least 3 different mechanisms where it damages hormone signaling, neuron health and impairs the immune system. (source) If this is a topic that interests you, the book Sugar Blues comes highly recommended.

This would include obviously any processed sugary foods containing refined sugar, high-fructose corn syrup etc, but also excess amounts of natural sugars (anything beyond, in my opinion, 3 servings per day). Why? It’s a completely unnatural amount of sugar to be consuming on any regular basis. A hunter-gatherer would have probably feasted on fruit a couple of times a year at most when it was in season and they found a good source, but this would definitely not be the norm on a daily basis. Our biochemistry is not designed to deal with this amount of sugar, natural or no.

SOLUTION: Break that sugar addiction! Need help? Go here!


I know we’re getting a bit broad here, but I’m talking about anything containing:

  • pesticides and herbicides – this would be non-organic produce, especially the Dirty Dozen. Pesticides are claimed to not directly harm humans, but they DO harm our gut bacteria, which by now we understand has huge effects on our health and well-being.
  • artificial colours and sweeteners – Aspartame in particular, since “both depression and panic attacks are known potential side effects of aspartame consumption.” (source)
  • genetically-modified organisms – these alter the gut bacteria for the worse – avoid foods containing non-organic corn, canola, soy and sugarbeet like the plague.

Foods to eat for better & more stable mood

In general, a traditional, whole-foods diet devoid of processed foods and focusing on healthy animal proteins, organic vegetables, good fats and fermented foods is what we’re aiming for here. (Want meal plans? This is what I recommend!)

This article in Psychology Today sums up how a typical Western Diet faces off against a traditional diet for gut and mood health.

A sicker microbiota (meaning in general less diversity and species and more pathologic species) is associated with a “leaky gut” wherein more inflammatory particles and bacterial cell parts pass through the gut lining, leading to systemic inflammation and problems, fatigue, and depressive behavior (avoidance, lack of energy and motivation).

Traditional diets tend to have more fiber and vegetable matter than the Western diet, which tends to have more highly refined carbohydrates. These fibers feed the microbiota in a healthy way, whereas lots of sugar and/or low carbohydrate Western diets have been associated with more pathogenic species of bacteria in the microbiome.

Nutrients to support good mood

Specifically we can focus on consuming more foods that are rich in fiber, minerals and nutrients such as iodine, selenium, Omega 3s, natural saturated fats, copper and iron. These help support the endocrine system and feed a healthy gut microbiome. Here are some foods to include in your next grocery shop! (source)


  • Onions
  • Artichokes
  • Pineapple
  • Mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Dark leafy greens


  • Red meat – grass-fed beef and lamb
  • Pasture-raised eggs
  • Shellfish – Oysters, Clams
  • Flaxseed
  • Chia seeds
  • Cashews
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Brazil Nuts


Nutrient-dense add-ons

  • Organ Meats (hide liver in meat loaf, meatballs, soup)
  • Kelp and seaweed (capsules or dried, found in the Asian aisle or at the health food store)
  • B-complex vitamin (this is the one I use)

 How does food affect your mood?

Try keeping a journal for a couple of days, especially when you’re feeling particularly happy or notably anxious/sad/negative. I definitely notice a connection with wheat, sugar and coffee. If I have these things in the morning, I’ll be super lethargic in the afternoon, and then a sad sack in the evening (several hours later). If I stick with green tea and a clean eating regime I’m a lot more stable!

Share below or on Facebook, I want to know what helps or hinders your mood!

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Is quinoa actually good for you? A Paleo perspective

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I’m so tired of hearing people say “I have a quinoa salad for lunch!” with wide eyes looking expectantly for an impressed reaction along the lines of “ooh, you made that? so fancy and healthy!” or something like that. It’s my firm belief that people go crazy for it because

a) they believe it’s healthier than rice or pasta and

b) it sounds cool and exotic because no one can pronounce it.

Well, today I’m going to break down the actual real deal about quinoa’s nutrition profile, including inflammation factor, digestive effects, blood sugar / glycemic effects, nutrient absorption, and enzyme effects.

A lot of basic facts are out there about quinoa, which at face value make it look like a healthy, high-protein, gluten-free wonderfood. I’m going to try to look a little deeper, and you can make up your own mind!

Inflammatory factor

Truth: Quinoa is technically a seed. All grains and seeds naturally contain substances that keep them from being digested by animals that may eat them, before the plant is able to reproduce. They have protective layers that make them indigestible (by animals, like us!) so that they can be pooped out in a relatively whole state, and therefore still grow little baby plants afterwards. These substances are inflammatory to our system, to keep the grain or seed safe.

  • quinoa’s inflammation factor is -126 (moderately inflammatory). (source)
  • gluten and wheat are demonized, yet the inflammation factor of whole wheat flour is -89 (only mildly inflammatory). (source)

Saponins, specifically, are the inflammatory substance that protects the quinoa from digestion. A PubMed study showed that saponins

readily increase the permeability of the small intestinal mucosal cells, thereby inhibiting active nutrient transport, and facilitating the uptake of materials to which the gut would normally be impermeable. (source)

As explained by Celebrity Health Coach Sam F. Grant,

Saponins are soapy like molecules that literally “punch holes” in the gastric mucosal lining. Then you get “leaky gut” (contents of the gut leak into the blood stream) and this causes an autoimmune response and systemic inflammation. Systemic inflammation manifests in numerous ways: headaches, skin rashes, achy joints, stomach pain, weight gain, fatigue ,etc. (source)

You can see how these invisible inflamers can cause some major issues, especially when quinoa becomes a new go-to everyday staple.

SUMMARY: Quinoa is more inflammatory than wheat and contributes to leaky gut, which in turn contributes to a myriad of inflammatory and autoimmune health issues.

Blood sugar

We all know we shouldn’t be eating “white foods” like white flour and sugar, because they cause blood sugar spikes that make us ‘wired then tired’, throw off our hormones, and pre-dispose us to diabetes by creating insulin resistance. So therefore we go for “healthier” foods like quinoa. I can just HEAR the over-achieving (well-intentioned) mom being all like “oh no my kids don’t eat rice, I only feed them QUINOA”.

Well, according to Dr. William Davis, the author of Wheat Belly, quinoa isn’t exactly a low-glycemic angel:

Oats, for instance, with a glycemic index of 55 compared to table sugar’s 59, still sends blood sugar through the roof. Likewise, quinoa with a glycemic index of 53, will send blood sugar to, say, 150 mg/dl compared to 158 mg/dl for table sugar–yeah, sure, it’s better, but it still stinks. And that’s in non-diabetics. It’s worse in diabetics. (source)

SUMMARY: Quinoa (like all grains) has a high glycemic index and load which may contribute to blood sugar disregulation.

Quinoa & Ancestral Nutrition

According to Ultimate Paleo Guide, quinoa often brings confusion to those trying to follow a paleo approach, because it’s not technically a grain, so it seems ok. The general consensus is that quinoa “does offer some of the same potentially harmful properties as grains”.

[according to a Paleo approach, grains] are avoided because they contain gluten, saponins, and lectins, among other anti-nutrients, which have been shown to be harmful to the lining of a person’s digestive system as well as their immune system. Many people don’t process quinoa effectively and, because of that, they should avoid it. (source)

But doesn’t it contain lots of vitamins and minerals?

It’s true that upon basic chemical analysis quinoa contains a good amount of some vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, phosphorus and manganese.

However it’s vital to point out that the phytic acid content of quinoa may lagely block the absorption of these nutrients. 

Phytic acid is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially the bran portion of grains and other seeds. It contains the mineral phosphorus tightly bound in a snowflake-like molecule. In humans and animals with one stomach, the phosphorus is not readily bioavailable. In addition to blocking phosphorus availability, the “arms” of the phytic acid molecule readily bind with other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, making them unavailable as well. In this form, the compound is referred to as phytate.

Phytic acid not only grabs on to or chelates important minerals, but also inhibits enzymes that we need to digest our food, including pepsin, needed for the breakdown of proteins in the stomach, and amylase, needed for the breakdown of starch into sugar. Trypsin, needed for protein digestion in the small intestine, is also inhibited by phytates.

[…] the powerful anti-nutritional effects of a diet high in phytate-rich grains [and seeds] may cause many health problems as a result, including tooth decay, nutrient deficiencies, lack of appetite and digestive problems. (source)

In order to reduce the phytate content of quinoa, extensive traditional methods of preparation are required, such as soaking, fermenting and sprouting. The table below shows the reduction in phytates after different processing methods, according to the Weston A. Price Foundation.

how to remove phytates from quinoa

You can see that quite a hefty amount of effort is required to reduce those phytates significantly and make all those vitamins and minerals in the quinoa be absorbable by the body. There is no point consuming nutrients if you can’t absorb them, thus the evolution of the saying “you are what you eat” to “you are what you ABSORB“.

SUMMARY: Quinoa contains good minerals and vitamins but they are encased in phytic acid which stops the absorption of these minerals, and takes a lot of traditional processing to reduce.

Protein content of quinoa

Many people use the “high protein content” of quinoa as an attracting factor for making it a daily staple. It’s true that “quinoa is what’s called a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine of the essential amino acids, which cannot be made by the body and therefore must come from food.” (source)

However, there’s only 8 grams of protein in a 185 gram serving, while 70% of the nutritional content is carbs. (source) This just doesn’t even come CLOSE to the nutritional powerhouses that are vegetables and animal protein sources.

As the Ultimate Paleo Guide puts it:

Even if you don’t have issues processing quinoa, quinoa still contains quite a few carbs. If your goal is to become a fat burner rather than a carb-burner, you’ll want to avoid quinoa as it’s a 53 on the Glycemic Index – quite high for a food that you don’t have to be eating. (source)

Check out this image comparing the macronutrient breakdown of quinoa vs rice vs pasta. Just because quinoa contains marginally more protein and fat than rice or pasta do, does not make it a “good source of protein”.

quinoa carbs

(image source)

SUMMARY: Quinoa is primarily a source of carbohydrates, and it not significantly higher in proteins or fats than rice or pasta.

Concluding thoughts: is quinoa healthy?

I hope this has helped you get some clarity on quinoa, and why it may not be the perfect ideal health food to base all your meals around on a daily basis (or anything close to that!). Personally I find that quinoa gives me a super-fast heartrate a few minutes after consuming it. I assume this is the inflammatory factor kicking up an immune allergy-like reaction.

My advice? Certainly focus VASTLY on the organic veggies, good quality animal proteins, and fermented/cultured foods as 90-95% of your diet. If you MUST eat quinoa, try soaking it in an acid for awhile first, and rinse it well before cooking and consuming.

I think the flocking of the masses toward quinoa is really just filling a cultural need to eat everything “on something”. There must always be some sort of grain-like vehicle, like bread pasta rice cracker waffle pancake bagel etc. But these are all just low-nutrient carb-heavy vehicles for the good stuff, which is the colourful veggies, flavourful meat or protein, delicious sauce and herbs and seasonings. Here’s a thought: cut out the vehicle (which usually just gets stored as fat anyway, unless you’re highly active) and go straight for the good stuff.

What are your thoughts on quinoa?

Has this article given you any insights or changed your thinking? Is quinoa part of your daily diet? Have you observed any positive or negative health & wellness effects from quinoa? Share below or on Facebook!

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Get rid of Candida once and for all: foods & natural remedies

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[Newsflash: we’ve finally finished compiling all our vast knowledge of natural candida remedies into one ebook, to help you give your Candida overgrowth the boot once and for all. Click here to find out more!]

I’ve recently realized that I was a child of Candida. Literally the moment I entered the world, I was set up for an overgrowth of yeast and all the unfortunate symptoms that come along with that.

What the deuce am I talking about?

The importance of gut bacteria

Well, it turns out a caesarean birth deprives you of all the lovely bacteria your mother’s body has prepared for you, which you’re supposed to be exposed to on your way out. This sets you up for poor gut bacteria, and as a result a poor immune system.

From there, the snowball keeps rolling. A poor immune system from the start, plus a “normal” North American diet of too much processed food, carbs and sugary things (but of course no FAT! who eats FAT! GASP!…. and cue ironic eye roll) adds up to repeated infections.

I grew up with constant strep and tonsilitis, plus various other weird things. Things like dry red rashes in my inner elbows, constant digestive distress, food intolerances, a swelly thing beside my nose for a while, a swelly thing in my earlobe for a while, a swelly thing in my groin for awhile, etc. All sorts of lovely things!

…Which I was inevitably prescribed antibiotics for. As we’re all hearing these days, antibiotics might save your life for now but they sure beat down the immune system even more in the long run.

Contributing factors to Candida overgrowth

Add to that 10 years of taking the pill from my late teens to late 20s, because I never knew any better and of course everyone takes the pill! Doctors literally shell ’em out like candy. Acne? here’s the pill! Painful periods? Take the pill. (here’s how the pill contributes to Candida overgrowth)

Turns out these are some of the classic causes for and symptoms of Candida albicans overgrowth. Who knew!

At some point a few years ago I started frantically researching holistic health and nutrition, because I had discovered the theory behind the paleo diet and I was super stoked to find something that didn’t seem like a fad and was actually based on human evolution. COOL! Along the way I found out about Candida overgrowth, and boy did I tick a lot of the boxes…

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My frantic search for Candida albicans remedies

From that point I started a very long, stressful and expensive process of researching, buying and cycling through various candida remedies and protocols. Here are some that I tried:

  • bentonite clay with calendula
  • diatomaceous earth
  • ashwagandha
  • pau d’arco
  • turmeric, cayenne and ginger capsules (DIY)
  • garlic
  • eating only coconut oil for 3 days (I failed)
  • not eating basically any carbs except green vegetables (no fruit no starch)
  • oregano oil (health food store brand)
  • clove oil (health food store brand)
  • tea tree oil (health food store brand)
  • caprylic acid
  • goldenseal
  • drinking nasty herbal tinctures and taking heaps of capsules in a kit called Candigone (completed 2 kits, didn’t work)
  • Difluconazole from the doctor, twice
  • pharmacy yeast infection kits many times

So yeah, I spent a pile of cash, over a couple of years. I actually ingested health food store brands of essential oils, which I didn’t know at the time can be extremely dangerous and toxic. Dumb-dumb! And the thing is I was stressed and miserable! My symptoms were ok sometimes, but mostly came back every month at the end of my cycle, like clockwork. I was constantly researching and going out to buy the next thing, or ordering online. I was super anxious and literally HATED Candida with all my heart and constantly inwardly swore at it and cursed it.

I’m not saying none of the items in the above list work. Some of the other things I listed can definitely be helpful (which I’ll go into shortly). But in general my protocol was very typical of a Candida Diet, in that it was very violently focused on EAT NO SUGAR, CHOKE OUT THE CANDIDA, KILL IT WITH ANTI-FUNGALS.

I was about to lose my marbles and buy some like hundred-dollar capsule product that claimed it would somehow explode the candida, and was really quite sketchy with no solid evidence or backing, in a last-ditch attempt, after the eating-nothing-but-coconut-oil-for-3-days strategy failed at the end of the first day. Duh, I was starving an already adrenally-exhausted stressed-out immune-compromised body…

The problem with the typical approach to Candida

Thankfully I found this blog post from Lauren at Empowered Sustenance first.

She pokes holes in the typical Candida Diet approach, pointing out that it doesn’t affect the root causes of the Candida overgrowth, which are essentially:

  • leaky gut
  • poor digestion
  • and therefore a compromised immune system and systemic inflammation

Lauren also points out that

A Candida Diet impairs metabolism and hormone function. A sugar free diet will elevate stress hormones, which exhausts the adrenals, reduces thyroid hormones, and taxes the body.

I’ve learned about the effects of too-low-carb eating here as well. Taxing the body this way (especially when you are adrenally exhausted and immune-compromised) just exacerbates the 3 root causes of Candida listed above.

According to this article from the American Society of Microbiology,

When Candida albicans encounters stressful conditions, does it curl up and die? No! This crafty pathogen gets to work on its inventory of genes, slashing away until it finds a winning combination that can get it through the tough times.

This includes developing an armoured shell called chitin, building a bio-film, burrowing deeper and deeper into tissues, or casting out long filaments in search of the fuel it needs to survive. *gag, gag* I know, it’s totally freakish.

It’s important to keep in mind that Candida is supposed to exist in a certain amount in a healthy human, and completely choking it out is (clearly a losing battle and) actually not healthy.

Healthy candida levels are vital for proper nutrient absorption and to protect the intestinal tract from other infections. (source)

It’s just a matter of keeping things in a nice healthy balance. And this is where the mind-shift happened.

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A new approach to cure Candida overgrowth naturally

Thanks to Lauren’s article, I decided to shift away from the KILL CHOKE KILL approach, and toward a self-love, health-supporting mode of overcoming Candida overgrowth. The theory here is to support the immune system, metabolism and digestion so that the body can naturally re-balance the microbiome.

Here are the key ways that I’ve done this:

  • support digestion by drinking lemon juice and/or raw apple cider vinegar a few times a day (juice of 1/2 a fresh lemon, or 1 tsp ACV in a glass of water)
  • support metabolism with generous doses of pink salt on my food (always be sure to have some in the morning to support the adrenals), plenty of healthy traditional fats (such as grass-fed butter, coconut oil, red palm oil, avocados, oily fish, etc) and moderate amounts of sugars like raw honey, dark chocolate, fruits and starchy veg (max 3 small servings/day)
  • support the immune system by eating probiotic foods like raw kefir, homemade sauerkraut, homemade kombucha, and using immune-boosting therapeutic-grade essential oils topically, aromatically and internally. I especially used the supportive blend OnGuard a lot at first, and the GX Assist capsules from doTERRA. They are a clean blend of immune-supporting and anti-fungal essential oils, plus caprylic acid. I also use immune-supporting anti-inflammatory oils like frankincense, oregano, rosemary, lemon etc on my feet at night. Here is where I get essential oils good enough (and safe!) to be used medicinally this way.
  • consuming fresh garlic, turmeric, cayenne, ginger in cooking whenever I can (yum!)
  • I’ve also found that making capsules of powdered turmeric, ginger and cayenne (TCG) helps (take 1-3 capsules of each, 1-3 times a day) I recommend using your own organic spices rather than buying extract supplements, because you never know what’s actually in those or how good-quality they are.
  • supporting immunity and healing in general by applying a transdermal magnesium oil supplement quite religiously (1/2 tsp to 1 tsp a day), making/cooking with/drinking bone broth as often as possible, and being sure to sleep enough (check out my post on 3 unexpected highly effective ways to improve sleep HERE)

I’ve linked above to the few products I would recommend on your journey (just these, and save the $hundreds$ on searching!). I still have jars and bottles of random shite I collected over the past couple of years collecting dust in my cupboards…save yourself that!

If committed to kicking Candida, we’ve spent a huge amount of time preparing perhaps the most comprehensive paleo-friendly book available on the net for beating Candida. It provides 76 pages of in-depth information on how you can fight your Candida overgrowth and restore a healthy balance in your body, and keep it that way. This book is unique in that it revolves around the core concept of USING your body to fight the overgrowth by restoring properly-functioning immune and digestive systems, and then incorporating potent natural compounds to supercharge your body’s fight against it. The upside is that your health in general will drastically improve, restoring you to a healthy weight and possibly even giving the boot to any autoimmune diseases afflicting you. The image link below takes you to the order page on PayPal – it’s a very small investment in your health but a huge return!

The Paleo Guide to Beating Candida Naturally is just $12.99. You’ll be hard pressed to find a more extensively-researched, in-depth Candida-fighting protocol anywhere on the net.

For more information on how this fantastic ebook can help you, click here.

Are you going to try this approach to Candida?

What do you think? Has this changed your thinking? Does it make you feel relieved and less desperate to KILL KILL KILL? I definitely felt better and lighter when I decided to adopt this more loving approach. Share your experiences, methods and resources below, let’s all help a friend out!

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15 Essential Oils for Every Ailment

Getting started using doTERRA essential oils can be overwhelming. You know you want to revamp your self care routine and medicine cabinet, but where to start?

I’ve put together a simple cheat-sheet on the top 15 doTERRA essential oils to provide support with everyday ailments. These include common concerns like digestion, respiratory, skin, immunity, stress, sleep and hormone balance. Do you know anyone who DOESN’T suffer with at least one of the above??

What’s the best way to start collecting essential oils?

The first 10 oils on the below cheat sheet are from the Home Essentials Kit. The price for the kit is $275 USD. When I was enrolling with doTERRA I was like whoa that’s expensive…but I later realized that these are full-size 15 mL bottles!!! The Home Physician Kit that I bought ($125) only has 5 mL bottles, and no diffuser. At the time I didn’t realize that the bottles were different sizes. If only I had known! The Home Essentials Kit and the other largers kits offer A LOT more value for not much more investment.

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Best value to get started with essential oils

The Home Essentials Kit is the perfect way to make a good investment in oils without breaking the bank.

It also offers a lot of bang for your buck with over $80 of savings (free stuff!) When you enroll is the only time you have access to the Starter Kits, so I recommend taking advantage of these savings while you can.

>>Get your Home Essentials Kit HERE<<

Why the diffuser is vital

Also, a diffuser is SO KEY to your essential oils experience, especially if you are planning on using them for mood management, stress relief, improving sleep, allergies or respiratory concerns, or with children.

Diffusing oils is the safest and easiest way to experience the benefits, plus it adds healthy moisture to your home. I don’t know about you but we have a lot of issues with dryness with all the electric heat in the winter.

Our poor cat is very staticky (ha!) and our diffuser helps keep the air moister so we are all more comfortable and breathe easier.

doTERRA home essentials kit


What oils to buy after the doTERRA Home Essentials Kit

The other 5 essential oils I included on the 15 oils cheat sheet are my favourite blends from doTERRA. These blends are amazing for everyday use, supporting detox, healthy metabolism (and weight loss), and mood management. The first oils I would buy after the Home Essentials Kit would be the mood blends including Elevation, Citrus Bliss, Serenity and Balance.

I use the Balance Grounding Blend daily for mini-spiritual escapes when I’ve had enough of traffic, screens, headlines and the noise of life in general. It’s not usually possible to escape into nature, but I feel that taking a quiet moment (even if it’s just in the bathroom!) and inhaling the beautiful plant molecules makes me feel connected to the natural world beyond our routine preoccupations.

I use the Elevation Joyful Blend or a citrus oil when I am feeling a bit blah or upset about something, and just need a pick-me-up. Serenity helps me sleep more soundly to get better quality rest.

>>Ready? Let’s get some oils!<<

Click the link above for retail & wholesale price buying options.

Questions? Thoughts?

I hope that this summary and cheat sheet has helped you find some clarity on how to get started with doTERRA essential oils, and all the benefits they can bring you on your everyday journey toward optimal wellness.

Get in touch via the comments below, or the Contact page if you have any questions.

If you’re interested in partnering with me to build a business with doTERRA, check out this page.



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The great exercise hoax: How the gym is keeping you exhausted & flabby

Thrive Primal - the great exercise hoax

Do you stress out about getting to the gym, obsessively scheduling your days to grab that precious hour or hour and a half so you can go work out?

Do you feel the burn of guilt when you haven’t made it often enough, thinking things like “I’m never going to be fit, I’ll always stay fat and a loser because I just can’t get to the gym”.

Is your gym membership burning a hole in your pocket? Like wow, I pay 60 bucks a month for this thing, and I haven’t been for 3 weeks.

So now we’ve got money guilt AND fat guilt.

And when you finally do haul your lazy butt to the gym, do you exhaust yourself for 45 minutes or more, running yourself ragged on the machines, and getting so freakin sore the next day, that you COULDN’T go back to the gym for a week, even if you wanted to or could find the time?

Well, I want to share an idea with you. Maybe this whole gym, exercise, workout thing is a BIG. FAT. HOAX. Maybe it’s just a sad excuse for health & fitness that’s an unfortunate byproduct of our modern post-industrial lifestyle.

Unfortunately, the popular wisdom of the past 40 years – that we would all be better off doing 45 minutes to an hour a day of intense aerobic activity – has created a generation of overtrained, underfit, [flabby], immune-compromised exerholics. (extraordinarily well put, Mark Sisson!)

It turns out exhaustive occasional exercise won’t help you lose weight or get healthier. And by “exhaustive occasional”, I mean anything that happens in a burst, including even if it’s for 45 minutes every evening after sitting at a desk for 8 hours, or a couple of times a week sprinkled into a mostly sedentary lifestyle. Even a single daily burst isn’t enough to make up for the 95% of the time that we spend with our butts parked in a piece of furniture or a car.

According to Mark Sisson of The Primal Blueprint:

The fact is, our hunter-gatherer ancestors didn’t ramp up their heart rates significantly for over an hour every day, and I don’t think we should either. They walked at a very low level of exertion, burning almost entirely stored fats. Once you get into the zones where less fat is burned [ie typical sustained “cardio” exercise] and where there’s a big dependency on glucose to fuel muscles, your body goes into a less efficient mode of fuel oxidation. […] I don’t recommend pushing this limit or even approaching it. Why bother? This kind of training (and diet) raises cortisol levels, increases oxidative damage, systemic inflammation, depresses the immune system and decreases fat metabolism. (source)

Here’s another tidbit from holistic health expert Chris Kresser, about how the typical way most of us “exercise” these days is actually leading us to poorer health and burnout.

While short, intense workouts can be great for inducing fat loss, increasing aerobic capacity, and reducing risk for cardiovascular disease, excessively intense exercise can cause a variety of health problems, especially for those dealing with other concurrent stressors. […] Another major effect that extreme exercise has on our bodies is an immediate increase in cortisol, the hormone that is released when the body is under stress. […] Chronically high levels of cortisol can increase your risk for a variety of health issues, such as sleep disturbances, digestive issues, depression, weight gain, and memory impairment. Excess cortisol also encourages fat gain, particularly around the abdomen. (source)

Chris goes on to explain that this can be the reason exercise leaves us feeling rundown, we have trouble gaining muscle mass and losing fat, and feel constant exhaustion. These can all be signs of excessive exercise of any type.

I want to share a mind-shift with you. Let’s stop beating ourselves up about getting to the gym. It’s not helping us anyway (as explained above).

I’m proposing a more loving, holistic approach to exercise, that’s less about guilt and prolonged self-torture sessions on the treadmill, and more about smart functional movement for a strong resilient body. (specifics to be discussed in a future post, for now check out great resources at this page or this page)

Why exercise is about way more than weight loss

Let’s explore some of the incredible things movement does for the body, so we can get into that holistic self-love space. Be in awe of how your body is a self-regulating organism that WANTS to be balanced and youthful and healthy. Cultivate awareness of how your body feels and what it needs, so you can move more regularly because you WANT TO, and in ways that support whole health, rather than pushing yourself toward burnout.

Thrive Primal - don't exercise because you hate your body, MOVE because you LOVE your body


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Lymph movement

We all know the heart pumps blood around the body, and this is called our circulatory system. Turns out there is a second part to our circulatory system, which is called lymph.

Your lymphatic circulatory system works directly with your cardiovascular circulatory system to keep blood and lymphatic fluid levels in balance and flush toxins out of the body. It also carries immune cells throughout the body to help defend against infections. (source)

I find this SO interesting: The lymph fluid doesn’t actually have an organ like the heart to pump it around. It relies on us moving our bodies to create a flow. That’s why you feel sort of “blech” when you sit around for too long – your lymph is stagnating!

SOLUTION: Get up and move around as often as you can, at least once every half hour. Jump, dance, do squats, wave your arms!

Anti aging

Exercise keeps us youthful not only through the direct effect of being toned, strong and balanced. We also actually age slower on a cellular level thanks to regular movement.

In particular, exercise appears to keep the telomeres from unraveling and becoming damaged. Telomeres are areas on DNA at the end of chromosomes. If these areas become damaged and unravel, DNA does not continue to replicate in the proper fashion and the end result is aging. (source)

Moderate healthy levels of impact during exercise also increases bone density. We actually need to walk to stay healthy. The vibrations from our feet hitting the ground travel up our bones and spur the release of minerals to build healthy bone density.

Explosive movements that use our big muscle groups spur the release of anti-aging and fat-burning hormones like testosterone and human growth hormone. When you do squat jumps, it sends a message that you should stay lean and strong, not fat and shlumpy.

SOLUTION: Try these anti-aging exercises, as recommended by the Huffington Post.

Digestion and detox

Exercise is a great way to improve the major detoxification pathways through the skin and the digestive system. Sweat isn’t nasty and dirty, it’s beautiful and healthy! If you stink when you sweat, it just means you’re not sweating often enough – and when you do, there’s too much nasty junk coming out.

SOLUTION: Get a light sweat going, and heart rate boosted, once a day if you can! Even jogging up a couple flights of stairs will probably do it. Or try doing 30 jumping jacks! Phew! You can even do these in the bathroom at the office, or in an empty meeting room ;)

Exercise also promotes a faster travel time through the gut, meaning you’ll have healthier poops. Movement helps resolve bloating and gas, and moves things along to prevent constipation.

SOLUTION: Try this simple detox yoga flow to help your tummy feel super.

Pelvic floor and organ health

Your organs are suspended in a bouncy, stretchy network of tissue within your abdomen. If you sit still all day, your cortisol rises, your body gets cranky and kicks off an autoimmune response. This network of tissue actually begins to slowly calcify and harden.

Your pelvic floor also suffers when you don’t move enough. Walking and squatting keep the pelvic floor healthy and supporting all of your organs.

SOLUTION: Move as often as you can to relieve tension, and keep your tissues soft and flexible! Practise deep squatting and as much walking as you can.

Stress, anxiety & mood

Have you ever watched a nature show, where the antelope gets chased by the lion, and after it gets away, it sort of “quakes” for a while? This is an instinctual, automatic way that animals actually physically discharge the stress hormones released during a ‘fight or flight’ situation.

We can use the same chemical pattern by purposely moving our body, or even by imitating the antelope and actually SHAKING ourselves. (source)

SOLUTION: Try it right now – just stand there and SHAKE your body for 20-30 seconds. It feels good right? This chemically shuts down your stress response! It’s a great way to relieve anxiety fast.

Exercise also releases endorphins – we all know that right? It feels GREAT. The body feels alive and well, the blood is flowing, the thoughts are clearer. Research shows that it’s as simple as moving those large muscles, like the glutes and quads. Just going for a quick walk helps tension resolve rapidly. (source)

SOLUTION: Again, even just something super quick like popping 10 quick squats or jumping jacks is enough to get that blood and lymph moving, and lift a storm cloud that might be hovering over your head. It’s so quick, there’s no excuse!

Memory and mind connection

Although this seems like a bit of a no-brainer (PUNNY!), exercise also helps protect a healthy memory and ability to learn. Studies show that getting your heart pumping “appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning.” (source)

SOLUTION: The study involved just 120 minutes of brisk walking per week. That’s only 17 minutes a day! Get walking!

Has this inspired you to move because you love your body?

I find that when I learn the amazing things my body can do, I appreciate it more, and want to take better care of it! Please share some of your favourite awesome effects of movement and exercise below. Or maybe you have a story about how you quit chronic cardio and started a more self-loving approach to movement. Share in the comments!


Thrive Primal - the great exercise hoax

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Go-to Natural Remedies Every Parent Should Know: How to Detox your Medicine Cabinet

Thrive Primal - safe natural remedies for children

This is part 2 of a 3-part series on safe remedies for children and babies.

1. Are you and your Doctor gambling with your child’s health? The dangers of medications for children

2. Go-to natural remedies for common children’s illnesses (How to detox your medicine cabinet and replace OTC meds with corresponding effective natural remedies)

3. How to ensure safety when using natural remedies and essential oils for children

Many of these dangers, remedies and safety measures will be very much relevant for adults too. I will link to each article as I complete them over the next couple of days.

In part one of this series we talked about the majorly risky practice of giving babies and children over-the-counter or prescription medications. Despite the best intentions of parents and medical practitioners, medicating young ones is often a shot in the dark with unknown repercussions. Children are being given drugs more and more, despite the fact that they are rarely tested on children. Check out that article here.

In part 2 we’re going to get super optimistic and reformative, looking at how to detox your medicine cabinet! I’ve put together a pretty extensive list of go-to natural remedies for common children’s illnesses. Please feel free to contribute more remedies that you’ve found helpful or effective in the comments at the end of the article.

I’ll be matching up the typical conventional medications with natural alternatives.

A quick disclaimer before we get right into it:

This should pretty much go without saying, but please always do your own research and only use remedies you feel comfortable with. Consult a practitioner if ever in doubt. The information here is for education only, and you should never delay seeking in-person care from a professional if your child is seriously ill.

How to treat ADD/ADHD naturally

Conventional treatments: Adderall, Vyvance, Concerta

  • balance sleep patterns – helps balance hormones and neurotransmitters
  • improve nutrition with less sugar/more fat & protein – corrects insulin balance
  • correct neurotransmitter imbalances by supplementing with magnesium/B-vitamins/whey protein
  • reduce use of electronics especially at night (yellow/orange glasses are recommended)
  • introduce a little movement in the morning to boost serotonin
  • Vetiver essential oil, Cedarwood essential oil, InTune essential oil blend  ** ensure any oils you use on your family are pure therapeutic grade, not just made for good smell. ** Here’s where I shop. (a 2001 study using brain scans to evaluate essential oil effectiveness for common behavioral challenges in children showed improvements in 100% of subjects with Vetiver and 83% effectiveness with Cedarwood)

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How to treat allergies naturally

Conventional treatments: Diphenhydramine, Benadryl, ZzzQuil

  • local raw (un-pasteurized) honey – contains enzymes that are like a natural allergy shot with no downside. Local honey to where you live is said to help your body adapt to local allergens in your environment. Buy from a local shop or market, dose kids with 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon (adults a full tsp) one or more times a day
  • nettle tea or capsules – nettle is a natural antihistamine. When the leaves are dried they don’t sting anymore!
  • raw apple cider vinegar – mix 1/2 to 1 teaspoon with water in a cup or bottle and drink
  • other probiotics such as raw capsules, unpasteurized kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut. Safe and beneficial in small amounts for babies and kids.
  • peppermint, lavender, lemon essential oils, doTERRA TriEase softgels (get pure, safe essential oils HERE). These oils bring down inflammation and calm an overactive immune response to allergens. For young children dilute the 3 oils in coconut oil and rub on the feet and along the spine.

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Natural remedies for autism

Conventional treatments: Abilify, Risperdal

  • heal leaky gut syndrome to prevent undigested peptides from damaging the brain (here is an article for reference, and this gut healing program is, in my opinion, the best out there)
  • improve sleep to help the body detoxify and heal
  • use essential oils to improve detoxification and calm anxiety and temper (Lavender, Serenity blend, Balance blend)

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Natural remedies for asthma and coughing

Conventional treatments: Prednisone, Dexamethasone

  • vitamin D supplement – a study found that 86% of children with asthma have low vitamin D levels (article)
  • asthma is considered an inflammatory condition, so soothe inflammation in the body by eating a whole real food diet (click the link for meal plans!) focusing on organic vegetables and animal protein, healthy traditional fats, fermented & cultured foods
  • if the asthma is triggered by emotion or stress, try the Balance blend essential oil
  • For prevention or during an attack, instead of an inhaler (if it’s safe) try doTERRA Breathe respiratory blend essential oil – a blend of laurel leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus, melaleuca, lemon, and ravensara. Helps to soothe inflamed tissues, support the elimination of bacteria and viruses, and opens airways. I’ve read many articles and testimonials saying people no longer need asthma medication after starting to keep the Breathe blend on hand. Only $26.67 retail, or get a 25% wholesale discount. Get some HERE.

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Safe natural remedies for anxiety

Conventional treatments: therapy, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drugs (Prozac, Zoloft), tricyclic antidepressants (Amoxapine, Vivactil), benzodiazepines

  • avoid sugar, caffeine, chocolate, not only for their direct effect but also because they promote Candida Albicans yeast overgrowth in the gut, which can cause anxiety
  • magnesium drink/rub/bath, and other mineral-rich foods such as homemade organic chicken broth, green smoothies (blend up cucumber, romaine lettuce, spinach, lemon, banana, berries), organ meats (try organic chicken livers made into gluten-free “nuggets”)
  • calming essential oils, including Lavender and the “Better-than-Ambien” blend I outlined in this blog post
  • herbal teas such as chamomile, fennel, catnip (brew tea, steep with a cover on for 10 minutes, then let cool before putting in a safe bottle or cup for the child to drink from)
  • amber necklace – raw natural amber contains succinic acid, a natural analgesic and healing agent. Amber warms when worm against the body and the succinic acid is absorbed through the skin helping relieve anxiety, pain and other symptoms. I personally wear one 24-7!

Natural remedies for bacterial infections (alternatives to antibiotics)

Conventional treatment: Doctors frequently prescribe antibiotics just in case even if they don’t know that an illness is caused by bacteria, or which bacteria is causing it (source). This is leading to major damage to gut bacteria which regulates our digestion, immunity and much of our mood and mental wellbeing. It also leads to antibiotic-resistant bacteria which is a major threat to global health today. (source) I would highly recommend reading these articles for insight as to why your child probably doesn’t need antibiotics: Article 1, Article 2. As someone who has been a “victim” to likely unnecessary antibiotics MANY times in my life, and have struggled to re-balance my body in my adulthood, I would encourage you to seek alternatives and consult with a practitioner who treats antibiotics in a cautious and holistic manner.

  • oregano oil – please ensure you use a high quality pure oil from a brand that stands behind medicinal / internal use of their oils. This is the only place I buy therapeutic essential oils. Apply 1-2 drops diluted with coconut oil topically, in a bath, in a steaming bowl via inhalation, or by consuming in a vegetable capsule. You can also use a small amount in a neti pot with water.
  • garlic is a strong natural antibiotic which does not destroy beneficial gut bacteria. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (of the GAPS protocol) recommends consuming an entire head of garlic daily as an effective internal antibiotic. I would recommend doing this by eating finely chopped raw garlic in something tasty like pesto, hummus, real-food ranch dressing with veggies (recipe ideas HERE). Freshly chopped garlic is best, let it sit for 10 minutes before using/consuming as the allicin content will increase.
  • turmeric extract in doses of 400-600 mg 3 times daily, or as directed on the package (source)
  • support the immune system with rest, fluids (with pink salt and raw honey for electrolytes), fresh lemon, fresh herbs such as parsley and rosemary, and homemade organic broth


Natural first aid for blisters

Conventional treatment: iodine, hydrogen peroxide, petroleum-based ointments like Polysporin, Plastibase, Bactroban, Bioderm, Ozonol

How to treat a burn naturally

Conventional treatment: ointments, hydrocortisone cream, pain relief medications (Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Naprosyn, Aspirin)

  • use a cool cloth and pure aloe vera gel to cool the skin
  • make a compress with a mix of cool water and a little white vinegar to lift the heat
  • lavender essential oil takes the sting out of a burn and has been shown to help skin heal much faster without scarring or scabbing. Use generously straight onto a burn without using a carrier oil, as carrier oils can hold the heat inside of the burn. You must purchase a pure high quality lavender essential oil to get good results. Many cheaper lavender oils contain fillers that smell like lavender but don’t have the medicinal effect. Here is where I buy top-shelf essential oils.
  • use raw honey as an antiseptic cream to speed healing

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Natural remedies for a cold

Conventional treatment: Nasal spray, Tylenol Cold, Mucinex, Robitussin, Nyquil, Vicks

  • homemade organic crock pot chicken broth with finely chopped garlic, onion, celery (instructions in this post)
  • warm lemon water – make it with fresh squeezed lemon, and let it cool a bit before adding some raw honey to leave the enzymes intact
  • cinnamon – mix 1 tablespoon with 1 teaspoon of raw honey and stir into hot water to make a spicy and very effective tea that helps relieve cough and congestion and lower fever. Another option is to use capsules.
  • chewable vitamin C – up to 2,000 mg a day for kids
  • facial steam – a bowl of hot water with 3 drops each of oregano, thyme and rosemary essential oils (here is where to get essential oils good enough to use medicinally: link) Place the steaming bowl under the face and drape a towel over the head to make a “tent”. Inhale for several minutes, but be sure to supervise a child to make sure they don’t get too hot.
  • 1 drop of oregano oil diluted with a little coconut oil and rubbed under the feet a few times a day


How to treat colic naturally

Conventional treatment: Dicyclomine hydrochloride, simethicone, Anaspaz, Bentyl, Donnatol, Buscopan, Zantac, leaving your infant with other caregivers for respite. Not many treatments recommended other than suffering through it as it usually rectifies after a few months.

  • removing allergens from the mother’s diet (if breast-feeding) – these could include things like wheat and grains, pasteurized dairy, corn, soy, eggs
  • removing excessive stimulation and stressors from the environment, since this could stress the baby and hinder a healthy digestive process (ie noises, lights, screens, etc)
  • massage and movement to help release gas
  • cooled ginger or peppermint tea in a bottle – these assist digestion
  • belly and back massage with a digestive blend essential oil (DigestZen is  the one I use and love) – dilute 5 drops of oil in 1 tsp of coconut oil, warm the oil until the coconut oil is melted (24 degrees C) and place a couple of drops in the belly button, then work outward in gentle circular motions
  • apply a warm compress like a cloth from the dryer over the essential-oil covered belly to help the oils penetrate and to help the belly feel comfy
  • infant-specific probiotics which can be warmed and mixed into water or breastmilk in a bottle


Natural remedies for cradle cap

Conventional treatment: medicated shampoo, ketoconazole, anti-dandruff shampoo containing tar, selenium sulfide, hydrocortisone cream, petroleum-based mineral oil or jelly

  • According to this article, cradle cap is associated with overgrowth of yeast, so probiotics for both mum and baby will be helpful. For mum I use and recommend the doTERRA brand PB-Assist product since it’s double coated to make it past the stomach, and also contains prebiotics with the probiotics feed on; this encourages them to colonize the gut rather then just pass through. If you would like to buy doTERRA products, here is my page with simple instructions.
  • dietary adjustments in the mother – increase good fats and omega 3’s (avocados, fish, walnuts etc), increase alkalizing foods (vegetables, greens, lemon etc)
  • coconut oil with essential oils applied to the scalp – coconut oil is naturally anti-fungal so will help bring balance to the skin. Add a maximum of 5 drops of lavender or melaleuca essential oil to 1 tsp of coconut oil.
  • add 1/4 tsp slippery elm to a bottle, this encourages a healthy gut lining to prevent further yeast overgrowth

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How to treat croup (wet cough) naturally

Conventional treatment: inhaled medications such as racemic epinephrine, oral corticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone)

  • Use a cool mist machine or steam up the bathroom and crack a window to create cool, damp mist. Going outside at night also often helps if the air is damp. 10-15 minutes minimum. You can also fill a bowl with ice and make a tent with a towel, and inhale the cool, wet air.
  • Therapeutic essential oils – With 6 – 12 drops of coconut oil apply 2 drops each Respiratory Blend, Frankincense and Peppermint to the child’s chest area (dilute more for infants). The blend of oils may also be applied to the bottoms of the feet and back as well. Repeat every 1 to 3 hours until the coughing stops. Protect small children from transferring the oils from their chest, etc. to their eyes. Get essential oils good enough to be used medicinally HERE.
  • castor oil chest compress – apply castor oil to a cloth, place on the chest, and put a hot water bottle on top to help the castor oil penetrate. Castor oil is an expectorant which means it helps loosen phlegm, so the child will cough it up and get rid of, being able to sleep peacefully again. Check out this awesome testimonial. Get castor oil HERE.

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How to treat cuts, scrapes, grazes, bug bites, rashes with natural remedies

Conventional treatment: Neosporin, Bactine, Polysporin, rubbing alcohol, Dettol, AfterBite

  • plantain herb – a common backyard “weed” with many medicinal properties – read more here. Make a poultice of fresh or dried plantain leaf and bentonite clay with water to form a paste. Or you can buy a ready-made plantain salve. Also a good remedy for bites and stings, rashes, poison ivy.
  • witch hazel – apply a small amount of soothing witch hazel distillate directly to a wound. More info here or get some witch hazel for your non-toxic medicine cabinet HERE.
  • coconut oil is naturally antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and very soothing & protective to the skin. Apply this completely non-toxic remedy with confidence. Get some good coconut oil HERE.
  • homemade neosporin – check out this recipe from Wellness Mama

How to treat diaper rash naturally

Conventional treatment: Zincofax, Desitin, Penaten, zinc oxide, Clotrimazole, Myconazole, Nystatin

  • Diaper rash may be “common” but that does not make it “normal”. It’s caused simply by prolonged skin contact with urine and feces, with too much dampness and not enough ventilation. The skin gets very sore and can become infected. The simplest remedy is to allow baby to be diaperless for at least 20 minutes 3 times a day between diaper changes to allow the skin to breathe
  • Use non-plastic diapers that breathe better, such as these (imagine your butt wrapped in plastic all day, you wouldn’t be very happy either! Plus there is evidence plastic diapers can cause hormonal & fertility problems. If you need disposal diapers, Nature Baby Care is the best option)
  • Use less toxic wipes and ointments, or just use a warm cloth followed by some coconut oil each time. You can keep all the baby-bum-cloths in a separate odorless storage bucket with a few drops of tea tree oil in it, then wash them in their own hot water load (with unscented laundry soap)
  • Make natural ointment with coconut oil, lavender and melaleuca essential oils. Frankincense and Grounding Blend (Balance) also work well on some babies if they don’t tolerate lavender or melaleuca. (more info here) You only want to use the most safe, pure, effective essential oils on your baby’s sensitive young skin, so I strongly recommend investing in good essential oils. See mine HERE.

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Natural remedies for an ear infection

Conventional treatment: Though the majority of ear infections are viral, most doctors treat ear infections as if bacteria were present just in case, and will prescribe antibiotics (amoxicillin, cephalosporins, clavulanate, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, azithromycin). Other common treatments include Tylenol and other OTC medications, puncturing the eardrum to drain fluid from the middle ear, tube insertion surgery, adenoidectomy

  • Fill a cotton or wool sock with oatmeal, rice or sea salt/pink salt (antimicrobial properties) and bake until it’s very warm but not burning. Use as a heat pack under the affected ear.
  • Cut an onion in half and bake until you can just start to smell it. Let it cool until it’s a tolerable temperature to touch, then apply to the ears (lying down) and hold it on gently by tying with a natural fabric like wool or cotton (ie a scarf or old t-shirt). The antiviral properties of the warm onion enter the ears. Leaving a chopped onion in the child’s bedroom overnight is also a great cold remedy.
  • Drop 1-2 drops of slightly warmed garlic and mullein oil into each ear (one at a time, let it rest a few minutes then let that ear drain onto a cloth while you do the other ear, then drain again)
  • Dip a cotton ball in some of the ill person’s urine, add a couple drops of rosemary or basil essential oil, and put the cotton ball gently resting in the ear. You may use a bandaid or masking tape to hold it in the ear overnight. (Think this sounds WHACK? Read more about the awesome medicinal properties of urine HERE)

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Natural remedies for eczema

Conventional treatment: methylprednisolone, Medrol, dexamethasone, Bactroban, Protopic

  • the skin is the mirror of the gut, therefore healing the digestive system will heal the skin. Increase bone broth and organic veggies, decrease and eliminate processed/coloured/flavoured foods, wheat/grains, commercial pasteurized dairy, soy, non-organic corn.
  • use coconut oil as a soothing moisturizer, and add 10-20 drops of essential oils such as lavender, melaleuca, geranium or a topical blend. HERE is where I get essential oils good enough to use medicinally.
  • magnesium lotion or bath
  • probiotics (if you buy capsules, they must be high quality like these ones, otherwise it’s not worth the money) and fermented foods (here’s how to make your own sauerkraut in 3 easy steps)

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How to treat a fever holistically

Conventional treatment: Tylenol, Advil, Motrin. Tylenol can cause altererd liver function in children and can even spur Febrile seizures. (source)

  • a fever in itself is not a bad sign – it shows that the body is fighting off bacteria or viruses, and the increase in temperature is one of the body’s main weapons. It heats up to make the body less hospitable to these invaders. It’s more important to keep the child hydrated and comfortable, using natural approaches to support the immune system, and not worrying about the number of the fever too much. As long as the child is still drinking, urinating and responding well, the fever can be monitored at home (read more HERE and HERE)
  • Don’t wake a child to give medication, sleep is more important.
  • Keep the kid hydrated and comfortable using remedies such as natural popsicles (recipe), homemade chicken broth (instructions), room-temperature water with lemon/pink salt/raw honey for healthy electrolytes
  • Apply cloths soaked in apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or egg whites to the feet (and put socks on top). People still swear by these age-old remedies; if they bother to still do them then they must work!
  • supplements such as calcium lactate (gives the body raw materials to make white blood cells, which it normally has to withdraw from bones, so by supplementing you get less of that achey feeling), a cup of raw apple cider vinegar added to a warm bath
  • Consider taking further action / visiting the hospital if an infant under 8 weeks old has a fever higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or if any fever has no known source or symptoms, or lasts longer than 5 days (source)

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Natural remedies for the flu

Conventional treatment: the flu shot, antihistamines, nasal sprays, decongestants, pain relievers

  • See remedies listed above for colds and fevers – in general, keep the ill person hydrated and comfortable, support the immune system, use smart herbal remedies listed above

How to support and heal food intolerance & digestive problems

Conventional treatment: adrenaline, epinephrine, avoiding foods (fear & emergency-based approach)

  • probiotics will help balance the gut
  • a diet and lifestyle protocol to help remove bothersome foods without feeling overwhelmed or deprived, and healing the gut (I highly recommend this gut healing program)
  • DigestZen essential oil – a safe and very effective blend that you can get HERE


Natural remedies for food poisoning

Conventional treatment: Most people just ride this out until they vomit or poop so much that they need to go to the hospital and get an IV to get re-hydrated. Over-the-counter medication to treat vomiting and diarrhea (which may be counter-productive because this is the body’s only way to rid the poisoning)


Natural remedies for headaches

Conventional treatment: Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Nurofen, Panadol, escalating to more serious interventions such as prescription drugs and injections for migraines

  • food intolerances are a common source of headaches, see the tips above for resolving this
  • ensure the diet is low in sugar and processed foods
  • essential oils such as Peppermint, Deep Blue and PastTense are totally awesome for headaches. Be sure to keep minty or wintergreen ones away from the eyes. Here is where I personally buy these high quality medicinal oils.
  • ensure enough movement and hydration, and don’t use screens too much
  • if a headache is due to jaw tension, PastTense oil (above) and an amber necklace can help calm the tension
  • mineral imbalances can cause headaches, try using pink salt instead of regular salt, and adding a magnesium drink/rub/bath
  • accupressure – squeezing and rubbing the fleshy part between the first finger and thumb quite firmly/aggressively for 5-10 minutes

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Remedies for Hyperactivity & Temper Tantrums

Conventional treatment: as referenced in the first article in this series, children are frequently prescribed behaviour and mood-altering medications these days. Ritalin, Adderall, Wellbutrin etc.

  • balance sleep patterns with these excellent tips, trust me you need these!! – helps balance hormones and neurotransmitters for normal behaviour
  • improve nutrition with less carbs & sugar/more fat & protein – corrects insulin balance for less “hangry” times. Try these paleo-friendly kids snack ideas.
  • correct neurotransmitter imbalances by supplementing with magnesium/B-vitamins/whey protein
  • reduce use of electronics especially at night (yellow/orange glasses are recommended)
  • introduce a little movement in the morning to boost serotonin
  • Vetiver essential oil, Cedarwood essential oil, InTune essential oil blend  ** ensure any oils you use on your family are pure therapeutic grade, not just made for good smell. ** Here’s where I shop. (a 2001 study using brain scans to evaluate essential oil effectiveness for common behavioral challenges in children showed improvements in 100% of subjects with Vetiver and 83% effectiveness with Cedarwood)

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Natural remedies for Pink Eye

  • Soaking a chamomile tea bag in warm water and placing over an eye for 15 minutes every 2 hours will relieve pink eye in less than 24 hours. (source)

How to Treat a Seizure Naturally

Natural remedies for Teething / Tooth pain

  • amber necklace – raw natural amber contains succinic acid, a natural analgesic and healing agent. Amber warms when worm against the body and the succinic acid is absorbed through the skin helping relieve anxiety, pain and other symptoms. I personally wear one 24-7!
  • clove essential oil is said to work wonders for teething and tooth pain, but some babies might be sensitive. If you don’t feel comfortable using clove, go for German Chamomile instead. Frankincense is also great for tooth pain. These essential oils are pure and safe enough for use on babies and kids.

How to treat an Upset Stomach / Constipation / Diarrhea Naturally

  • probiotics will help balance the gut
  • a diet and lifestyle protocol to help remove bothersome foods without feeling overwhelmed or deprived, and healing the gut (I highly recommend this gut healing program)
  • DigestZen essential oil – a safe and very effective blend that you can get HERE
  • mineral imbalances can cause digestive issues, try keeping the person hydrated using electrolytes like pink salt instead of regular salt, and adding a magnesium drink/rub/bath
  • drinking a teaspoon of lemon juice or raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of water a few times a day can help stimulate better digestion

How to get rid of Plantar Warts and Skin tags Naturally

Conventional treatment: Salicylic Acid, Compound W, liquid nitrogen – scary chemicals that eat the skin away

  • oregano oil! Get a good one here. Apply 1-2 drops directly to the spot at least once a day for a month. If the oil is too “hot” on the skin, dilute with coconut oil. You can cover the spot with a cotton ball and/or bandaid to keep the oil on. I’ve had success with this personally on a recent wart! I didn’t even remember to use it every day and it went away in about a month, without having to endure any discomfort or cutting or burning or anything.

What do you have in your natural medicine cabinet?

What are your go-to natural remedies? Do you find they work as well as conventional treatments? Have you or your loved ones been able to stop using medications thanks to natural remedies? Share your experiences below, you could change someone’s life!!

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Real Food Recipe: Paleo-friendly Oreo chocolate cookie sandwich

Thrive Primal - real food oreo recipe

We all have memories of those delicious naughty foods we used to eat care-free in childhood. Things like chicken fingers, pizza, chips and candy.

Although I know better now and definitely don’t buy those things anymore, nor would I feel them to my children, I don’t think it’s a reason to deprive ourselves of tasty, health-conscious treats.

I’ve engineered this real-food Oreo-inspired cookie sandwich recipe with high quality ingredients and only a little natural sweetener. You can make them paleo or primal, it’s up to you!

Personally we buy raw organic grass-fed dairy from a farm nearby in Ontario (check out this post for how I found it) so I used some nice fresh mascarpone for the filling. Use the cleanest ingredients you can get your hands on!

Real Food Recipe: Paleo-friendly Oreo chocolate cookie sandwich

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Yield: 12 cookies, 6 sandwiches

Real Food Recipe: Paleo-friendly Oreo chocolate cookie sandwich

A delicious real-food paleo/primal friendly Oreo style cookie sandwich! Make with or without dairy.


  • 1 cup rice flour (alternatively use 1/2 cup almond, 3 tbsp coconut flour, 2 tbsp arrowroot or tapioca flour)
  • 1/2 cup good quality cocoa powder (I get mine HERE)
  • 2 tbsp melted butter (ideally grass-fed organic) or coconut oil
  • pinch of good quality vanilla (I get mine HERE)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of baking soda
  • 1/2 cup good dark chocolate chunks (buy or make your own by attacking a chocolate block!)
  • 4 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 2 tbsp real maple syrup
  • 2 free-range eggs
  • 1/2 cup raw organic milk or coconut milk
  • For the filling:
  • 2-3 cups of either coconut whipped cream (recipe here) OR raw grass-fed organic whipped cream, sour cream or mascarpone (I used mascarpone)


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F / 180 C.
  2. Place a sheet of parchment paper on a cookie sheet.
  3. Make your chocolate chunks, if you didn't buy ready-made ones. Basically attack a block of dark chocolate until you're happy with the size of your chunks :)
  4. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until smooth.
  5. Make golf-ball sized balls and flatten them - they will not spread in the oven so make them look as you want them to look.
  6. Bake about 15 minutes or until the tops spring back.
  7. Let the cookies cool a bit, then scoop on your whipped cream (coconut or dairy). Eat right away, or you can put them in the freezer for 1-2 hours if you want them to be like ice cream sandwiches! They are also delicious with some warmed frozen raspberries spooned over them.


You could add some essential oils to the cream to make mint oreos, or orange oreos!

If you make these, let me know how they turned out! Did you adjust the recipe or make it with whatever you had in the pantry? Do you find these as satisfying as “real” Oreos, and do they feel better in the belly? Do the kids like them?


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