Category Archives: Holistic Health & Personal Development

Your Paleo guide to grocery shopping: milk and dairy


Mention the word “dairy” to your average paleo enthusiast, and they’ll shake their heads and mutter to themselves about potential toxicity issues, food allergies, and the untrustworthiness of these types of products. And they’d be right – this subject area is a very difficult one to navigate, as dairy products are typically shrouded in mystery and have the potential to throw your clean dieting right off the rails.

In Part 3 of our food shopping series (check out our guide to fruit and vegetables here, and our guide to shopping for meat, poultry and fish here), we’ll explore how to tell if milk and other dairy-based foods are good for you, how to find high quality ingredients in your supermarket or at the farm gate, and hidden dangers you need to look out for.

Read on, to continue your training towards becoming a supermarket superstar!

Is dairy and milk paleo?

From a strict Paleo standpoint, dairy was not consumed in the Paleolithic Era (aside from human milk, that is!), and for this reason many of those who follow a regimented Paleo diet stay away from it.

But just because something wasn’t available to our ancestors doesn’t make it inherently bad. Good quality dairy is an amazing source of nutrition, designed by the animal that produced it to be loaded with saturated fats, beneficial bacteria, essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. As it is the first thing a newborn calf, kid (in the goat sense) or lamb drinks, it provides a vital burst of nourishment that this animal needs to survive the first phase of it’s life.

Now, while this milk was not designed for human mouths, there’s no reason why we might not gain benefit or nourishment from it. In my opinion, it’s the same as eating good quality eggs – they clearly weren’t designed for human consumption, but they’ve attained an almost godlike status amongst the Paleo community, and are celebrated for the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats they can provide us. Milk is the same – we can benefit from the same compounds that the calf, kid or lamb would thrive on.

Where dairy gets a bad rap is with regards to lactose, casein and the potential for introducing synthetic toxins into our bodies. It’s important to note, however, that this is usually only a problem when buying regular, grain-fed, store-based milk or dairy products. These products are made from cows (and to a lesser degree, sheep and goats) which have been raised on a diet consisting almost solely of GMO corn and soy, while being confined to tiny pens inside horrific dairy factories, away from the sun. These animals are also regularly injected with hormones, to make them grow faster and produce more milk, and antibiotics, to prevent them from developing diseases due to their unhealthy living conditions.

All this nasty stuff gets into the milk, while all the good stuff (the beneficial bacteria, digestive enzymes, saturated fats) gets removed during the processes of skimming, pasteurization and homogenization. The result is a dairy product devoid of nutrients and healthy fats, which is now missing the very bacterial cultures and enzymes which make it easier for our stomachs to digest in the first place (and which would otherwise prevent us from developing lactose or casein intolerance).

Why raw milk is NOT dangerous

Unfortunately, the agricultural industry has made it ridiculously difficult to get your hands on good quality dairy. Most of the US states continue to impose a complete ban on the sale and distribution of raw milk, citing antiquated cases of people becoming sick or even dying from consumption of raw milk that was somehow contaminated. These fears are based on a system of pasteurization which was introduced back before the invention of refrigerated transport and storage, when milk or dairy products could become eventually become contaminated by harmful pathogens after sitting in a warm place for too long.

Well, as it happens, we have fast, refrigerated transport now, and cold storage, and fridges at home – so those claims about the necessity of pasteurization are completely redundant! What’s more, those stories of people getting sick from raw milk were almost always due to that milk coming from cows which were raised in undesirable conditions – like the small pens, with antibiotic-injected, hormone-enriched, grain-fed cows I talked about earlier. If the cows themselves are raised in pasture and allowed to roam free under the sun, these health concerns are even more redundant.

In actual fact, you’re far more likely to get sick from drinking regular pasteurized milk than you are from raw milk! One expert even goes so far as to state that “you are about thirty-five thousand times more likely to get sick from other foods than you are from raw milk”. So quit worrying! If, however, you still find yourself shaking in your boots at the very notion of drinking something which hasn’t been heated to smithereens, check out this article we wrote a while back.

How to buy good quality, healthy dairy products

Rather than going into too much more of a rant about the dairy industry and how it’s turning people against one of the most nutritious (not to mention delicious!) food sources available, lets get down to business. You came here to learn how to ferret through all those nasty dairy products and locate the actual good, healthy ones, and the below table should help you do just that. The table is laid out to present the most desirable sources of dairy first, then works down the list to products which you should probably just stay away from altogether. Remember – if you can’t find good quality dairy, it’s generally better to just cut your losses and eat or drink something else.

Thrive Primal how to choose the right dairy product

It turns out that making a table to show how best to prioritize your milk is a difficult task. Hopefully the above gets the point across: the highest quality milk and dairy is from humanely-treated, grass-fed cows (and sheep and goats) that have been raised on an organic farm (which implies that they’re free from hormones, antibiotics and probably GMOs). The best milk is also raw and full-fat! As you work down the table, the dairy becomes progressively less good for  you when it is no longer organic or full-fat. To provide a rough indication, I’d recommend regular (daily to 2 or 3 times a week) consumption of dairy products which are found in the green category, occasionally (no more than once a month) for those products in the orange section, and never buying those products in the red. ESPECIALLY dairy which is raw but comes from non-organic, grass-fed cows…although you’re fairly unlikely to ever come across that!

Finding good quality dairy is difficult, but not impossible

During our time living in Canada, Liivi and I became obsessed with the idea of getting our hands on a regular supply of grass-fed, raw dairy. It was very, very difficult, on account of strict Canadian laws which prohibit the sale of raw dairy products, and because 99.9% of the dairy farms there are grain-feeding. After much searching, we eventually came across this website, which got us in touch with a cooperative that provided real, organic, humane, grass-fed, RAW milk and dairy products. They products were expensive, but boy, were they good!

In the US, state governments are slowly starting to loosen up the laws, following increasing pressure from the public. Check out this interactive map to see whether your state allows the sale of raw milk in-store, or at least at the farm gate.

If you live in an area that is prohibitive to raw milk, however, don’t dismay – you can generally still get your hands on some high-quality, grass-fed dairy products, even if they’re not raw. As we travelled through the States and Canada, we would keep our eyes peeled for either the Kerrygold brand or the Anchor brand. Kerrygold comes from Ireland while Anchor comes from New Zealand, and both are produced from grass-fed cows, with no hormones and no antibiotics (I would know: I used to work for Anchor as an environmental officer!). You’ll often find Kerrygold butter or Anchor butter in your supermarket, and sometimes also Kerrygold cheese. Elsewhere in the world, you’re more than likely to stumble across a range of Anchor products, including Anchor butter and Mainland cheese. Failing that, order them on Amazon:

Another great way to get many of the benefits of grass-fed, organic cows, is from this whey protein powder which I came across after days of painstaking research. Find out more about it, here!

Your paleo guide to grocery shopping: meat, fish and poultry


Confused about how to get the most out of your meat shopping, either at your local supermarket, butcher, or down at the weekly farmer’s market? You’ve come to the right place!

It might look a little overwhelming as you stand there and eye up the towering mounds of beef, pork, lamb, chicken, fish, and various other unidentifiable meats. But with a little bit of ground work and a knowledge of how to prioritize the best meats, you’ll do just fine. Here’s the quick and dirty on what you need to know.

On the importance of fat

If you’ve just recently made the shift to paleo, chances are you’re having trouble wrapping your head around the whole fat-is-good thing, especially with regards to saturated fats. This understanding of fat plays such a foundational role in the success of the paleo, primal, and Bulletproof diets that it needs to be revisited before we go delve any further.

So, without further ado: the saturated fat and monounsaturated fat that comes from meat, be it beef, lamb, pork, chicken, duck, fish, or otherwise, is one of the best, healthiest sources of fat available to humans. This is particularly the case with animals that have been raised in healthy living conditions, or are wild caught. Keep this in mind as you peruse the meat section of your supermarket or pretend you know what you’re talking about when you instruct your butcher what cuts you want.

Saturated and monounsaturated fats are your friends, so don’t shy away from meats which look fatty – these are the best, most nutritional cuts of the entire animal, aside from the organs (more on that later). Your traditional red meats (beef, lamb, bison, venison) have the highest saturated fat content, and incidentally have the best nutritional profiles (rivaled only, perhaps, by cold water fish like wild salmon or wild sardines). Chicken and pork, on the other hand, are generally lower in saturated fat content, have a higher monounsaturated fat content, and are packed with less vitamins and minerals.

Is it important to get grass-fed, pastured, or wild?

In a word: yes. Very important. If you’re going to put your dollar to work in the supermarket, put it to work buying the best quality meats you can find: the difference between a low quality meat and a high quality one is huge.

Grass-fed meat

“Grass-fed” is a term used to describe any ruminant (cow/beef, deer/venison, lamb, bison) which has been raised all its life on a diet of grass. This is what their digestive systems have evolved to process, and they can only truly be healthy when allowed to roam freely and eat grass to their heart’s content.

Grass-fed meat is much more nutritious and has a significantly better Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio, meaning it is less inflammatory than grain-fed meat and much better for your body. Grass-fed meat also has a significantly higher saturated fat content, which is a good thing.

Meats which display the label “grass finished” indicate that the animal has been primarily raised on grain throughout its life, then has been allowed to graze at pasture for a few weeks prior to slaughter. While this is better than a ruminant which hasn’t had any interaction with grass at all, it is nowhere near as good for you as grass-fed meat.

Pastured or free-range meat

The term “pastured” essentially has the same implications as “grass-fed” but it applies to non-ruminant land animals like pigs, chickens and ducks. If a meat displays the label “pastured” or “free-range”, it indicates that this animal has been raised in a healthy environment where it can roam freely, eat selectively and choose those foods which it gains the most benefit from. “Free-run” is slightly different to free-range, with free-run chicken or eggs coming from hens which can theoretically run free in an “open concept” barn, and are not housed in cages like conventional hens – not quite as good as free-run, but still better than your average cage-raised hen.

Even if the meat is not organic, if it is pastured or free-range it is generally fair to assume that this meat has less antibiotics, hormones, and other nasty surprises hidden in it’s depths. This is purely because such animals are healthier than their caged counterparts, and therefore need less synthetic treatments to keep them alive.


“Wild-caught” can technically apply to any type of animal which occurs naturally in nature (such as venison or duck), however in most cases it refers to fish. As with the previous two categories, there’s a huge difference in quality between wild fish and farmed fish. Farmed fish are fattier, but it’s the wrong kind of fat, with a high ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s. This higher fat content in farmed fish also means that you’re getting less protein per serving than wild fish.

Possibly worse than this is the amount of toxins you’ll find in a typical fillet of farmed fish. In one of these babies, you’re likely to find high concentrations of body-harming compounds like dioxins, PCBs, fire retardants, pesticides, antibiotics, copper sulfate, and canthaxanthin (a dye associated with retinal damage used to make colorless farmed fish various shades of “wild” pink). Delicious.

Wild caught fish can contain these same toxins, but in far lower concentrations, and it’s only because of humans polluting the waters they swim in that they’re present at all. Another thing to keep in mind is the amount of destruction and pollution that these fish farms are doing to the waters in which the real, wild fish make their home.

For more information on choosing the right fish, check out this article from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

Should I try and buy organic meat?

Yes, you should certainly try. While organic meat is often hard to come buy, it’s worth seeking it out as it typically has an improved nutritional profile, but more importantly it doesn’t contain toxic residues from pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics or hormones which you’ll find in high concentrations in other, non-organic meats.

If a meat is organic, the feed it is given also needs to be organic, which means that this animal will be healthier and it’s meat is therefore of a better quality. Most of the time, organic also implies GMO-free, which is always a good thing. For more information on this, check out the section on GMOs in this article.

Which meats are best?

Originally, I had intended to put a list in this section which rated each type of commonly-stocked meat based on a range of variables and then recommended which were best. After giving it some thought, however, I came to conclusion that many others have reached – there’s no single best thing. Such a list should never exist, because there are so many different variables at play.

That being said, I do have some recommendations for what you write on your next grocery list with regards to buying meat:

Vary your meats throughout the week

While many paleo enthusiasts consider beef to be one of the best meats due to it’s high concentration of saturated fats, wide range of nutrients, and balanced fatty acid profile, you shouldn’t eat beef every single day. Doing so would put you at risk of iron toxicity, as red meats like beef and lamb have high concentrations of iron. Similar issues apply to other meats: too much chicken or pork could mean not enough saturated fats or an overload of polyunsaturated fats (the troublemaker of the fat trio), and a lack of the nutrients found in red meats. Too much fish, especially salmon or other cold water fish, could actually lower your omega 6 levels to the point where they’re unhealthy (yep, thats a thing).

The point is, vary your meats throughout the week and you’ll be getting all their benefits without getting an excess of their less desirable attributes. I have a very basic system whereby I always separate my meats by at least 2 to 3 other meats. For example, I might eat beef for dinner on Monday, then have eggs for breakfast on Tuesday, chicken for lunch, fish for dinner, a smoothie for breakfast on Wednesday, and lamb for lunch. This way, you’re enforcing a buffer period so that you don’t eat the same meat over and over, which can lead to health complications.

Eat organ meats on a regular basis

Yes, they taste pretty darn horrendous, but they’re probably one of the most nutrient-dense foods available to humans (if not THE most nutrient dense food!). This means they’re well stocked with many vitamins and minerals which you’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere else. For this reason, they can really give your health a kickstart, by filling in any nutritional gaps you might have in your body.

Of all the organs, liver is by far the most nutritionally-dense, so you should make sure you have this at least once a week. Other organs which you’ll likely see in the supermarket include kidney, heart, and tongue (these last two technically being muscles, but lets not nit-pick) – experiment with different organs and different recipes (this article has lots of good tips), and you’re bound to find SOMETHING which you and your family can choke down without complaining too much.

Oh, and remember to go for high quality sources (grass-fed, pastured, free-range, organic, yarda yarda)

Experiment with different cuts of meat

You know when you get up to the butcher’s counter, and they ask you what cut of beef or lamb you’d like, and you start to panic because you know NOTHING about which cuts are best? Well, you don’t have to panic any more – there IS no best cut. Traditionally, people would slaughter a cow or lamb, for example, chop it up into manageable portions, and proceed to literally eat that animal from nose to tail. These people, as it happens, were a whole lot healthier than most modern day westerners.

Take a leaf from their book and embrace the “nose to tail” mantra. Try buying different cuts of meat each week, perhaps even asking the butcher if they would recommend any particular cut which is interesting or different from usual. Eating different parts of the animal means you’ll be gaining access to a range of different nutrients and fat ratios, and as I’ve said before – variation is good!

Questions? Comments?

Phew, that was a lot of writing! I seem to recall saying that this was going to be “quick and dirty” at the start of the post, but it turns out that it was more “long and arduous”. That said, if you’ve got any further questions, or have a beef (pun unintended, surprisingly!) with something I’ve said, then drop us a comment and let us know! Oh, and do check out post number 1 in this 3 part series, which explains how to shop for fruits and vegetables like a pro!

All You Need to Know About Cooking Oils

thrive primal guide to paleo cooking oils

I chose the topic for this post because I have a genuine interest in what ACTUALLY constitutes a good cooking oil. There’s a lot of hearsay around the topic, with many people swearing by this or that oil, but no actual idea why it’s better than the rest. Certain people will tell me that they’ve heard a particular oil is best for high heat cooking, but when I pose questions relating to smoke point and oxidation, the response is a sort of panicked confusion and a rapid change of topic.

And let’s face it, if you’ve gone paleo, primal, or just about any diet which realizes that saturated fat is a GOOD thing, oils are your best friend in the kitchen (and elsewhere, of course!). It’s time to know their strengths and weaknesses so you can enjoy all their benefits without denaturing their nutrients or pouring carcinogenic compounds into your body.

Let’s start with the basic questions that you need to ask when choosing the right cooking oil.

What type of fat is it?

There are two types of oil you can buy on supermarket shelves: saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats are the simplest of these two groups, and the most stable. A good way to tell whether you’re dealing with a saturated fat is knowing that they turn solid at room temperature. Commonly used saturated fats include:

  • coconut oil
  • palm kernel oil
  • butter
  • ghee
  • lard
  • chicken fat
  • tallow

Unsaturated fats are a little more complicated, and come in the form of either monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and trans unsaturated. Commonly used unsaturated fats include:

  • canola oil
  • flaxseed oil
  • soybean oil
  • nut oils
  • avocado oil
  • hemp oil
  • sunflower oil
  • olive oil

You get the idea. While every oil contains varying ratios of each kind of fat (olive oil contains 73% monounsaturated, 14% saturated, and the rest polyunsaturated, for example), generally speaking the saturated fat group contains primarily animal-based oils, plus coconut and palm kernel. The rest is primarily unsaturated.

Another useful thing to know is that saturated fats and monounsaturated fats are more resistant to heating or cooking. This is due to the fact that they have less bonds, and are therefore less susceptible to chemical reactions which occur under high heat conditions. Polyunsaturated oils, like corn, walnut or sunflower oil, have multiple bonds and so are more likely to become denatured under heat. Trans unsaturated fats (look for the word “hydrogenated” in the ingredients of a product) should just hands-down be avoided.

What is the oil’s smoke point?

An oil or fat’s smoke point is the temperature at which it starts to produce smoke. Pretty straightforward so far, right? Treat this smoke as a warning sign (Tolkien fans might like to envisage the famed Beacons of Gondor, if reality is a little to dull for their taste) – it signifies the point at which your oil is beginning to break down due to heat.

When the oil or fat reaches this point, the free glycerol groups contained within it begin to get converted into acrolein. Acrolein is one of the chemicals found in cigarette smoke, and has been classified as a carcinogen. Thus breathing in the smoke from oil when it reaches it’s smoke point may be similar to breathing in the smoke from a cigarette. Nasty.

Here’s a list of oils and their corresponding smoke point, for some light bedtime reading:

Image source:

Image source:

The U’s in brackets next to some oils indicates that they are unrefined, while the R indicates refined. You’ll notice that the refined oils have a much higher smoke point than unrefined oils. Many paleo people may also be somewhat dismayed to see the low smoke point of butter, unrefined coconut oil and lard.

What is the oxidative stability of the oil?

While considering the smoke point of a cooking oil or fat is important, the oxidative stability of that same oil or fat is even more so. The oxidative stability of an oil refers to its ability to resist oxidation. Oxidation occurs when a fat molecule loses a hydrogen atom, allowing it to turn into a free radical.

Free radicals are highly volatile, and due to the way they interact with and attack our cells, can be seriously detrimental to our health. An increase in free radicals in your body means an increased risk of developing a wide range of diseases, and speeding up the aging process.

When oxidation occurs, an oil or fat becomes rancid. People know when an oil has become rancid due to oxidation as it tastes “off”, has a bad smell, or looks a bit weird.

Choosing the right oil for the task at hand

After reading the above, it’s possible you’re even more confused than before. Sorry about that. The point is, there’s no standalone winner when it comes to oils and fats – each has it’s own quirks, and can even vary considerably depending on whether it’s refined, unrefined, expeller pressed, cold pressed or chemical-extracted. You have to weigh up the various attributes of each and only use a given oil when it doesn’t have a high risk of oxidizing or smoking.

To help you in your quest, here’s a few pointers to keep in mind to ensure you get the best (not the worst) from your oil:

  • Temperature: no matter what the oil, the lower the cooking temperature, the better. Know your oil’s smoke point, and stay well below it.
  • Light: the sun’s wavelengths can increase the rate of oxidation. Try to buy oils which come in dark bottles (not really possible for coconut oil, but then it is fairly resistant to oxidation anyway), and store your oils in a cool dark place to increase their shelf life.
  • Re-use: try to avoid re-using your cooking oil, as each time it is cooked with it’s smoke point lowers.
  • Antioxidants: considering things like heating, air and light exposure can accelerate your oil’s rate of oxidation (rancidity), choose oils with higher levels of antioxidants. These antioxidants, found in high numbers in oils like avocado, olive, coconut and butter, actively offset the destructive damage free radicals wreak on your body. They can therefore help to neutralize the creation of free radicals during the process of oxidation.

Our top paleo-friendly cooking oil picks

With the proviso that, based on the above, there’s no clear-cut winner in the cooking oil contest, we DO have a few top picks. Here’s our thoughts:

  • Avocado oil: a good all-rounder. Has a high smoke point, particularly in the case of it’s refined form (520ºF), and is loaded with antioxidants (particularly vitamin E) so it doesn’t oxidize easily. Use for things like pan frying, grilling, roasting and in salad dressings and marinades.
  • Butter: delicious and loaded with an amazing range of nutrients when it’s from grass-fed sources, butter is unfortunately not great for cooking. It has a low smoke point, so should only be used for low heat cooking such as baking or slow-cooking. Has a short shelf-life and can become rancid quickly, so consume ASAP and store in an airtight container in the fridge.
  • Coconut oil: Once again, high in antioxidants, and very resistant to oxidation. Has a long shelf life, but should still be stored in a dark place if possible. It does have a low smoke point, however, so stick to low-heat cooking. Switching to refined coconut oil means you can cook at medium heat without creating smoke, but you lose a lot of the antioxidants so it’s a bit of a trade-off. Good for baking and smoothies!
  • Ghee: if you were disappointed at butter’s low score in the cooking department, ghee is your savior. Ghee retains much of the delicious richness of butter, has a slightly sweeter taste, and most importantly has a very high smoke point. This means it’s great for high heat cooking like pan frying or grilling, and has a long shelf life. Go for grass-fed ghee, if possible.
  • Lard and tallow: not great in terms of nutritional profile, but otherwise a great option for medium-heat cooking, due to their smoke point of around 390ºF. They’re also fairly resistant to oxidation, particularly in the case of tallow (beef fat). Really only good for cooking (it’d be a little weird to drizzle some warm lard on your garden salad).
  • Olive oil: despite claims, olive oil is still a good option for cooking, however the smoke point differs considerably between olive oil types. Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest choice in terms of lack of refinement and therefore level of nutrients, which incidentally means it is highly resistant to oxidation. It does, however, have a low smoke point at 320ºF, making it suitable only for slow cooking or sautéing (great for salads and marinades though!). Virgin olive oil is slightly more refined and so has less nutrients and is a little more prone to oxidation. With a smoke point of 420ºF, however, it’s great for medium-heat cooking such as pan frying and roasting. Only buy olive oil in dark bottles and store them in a dark place to avoid rapid rancidification!

That’s a lot of info to take in, but I hope it helped to clear things up a little. Next time someone asks you which oil you think is best, you can bedazzle them with your oil and fat know-how.

No wonder diabetes is a nationwide pandemic

diabetes walgreens

A few days ago, I was strolling down the sun-blasted streets of Echo Park, Los Angeles, and I saw something completely and utterly ridiculous. First, an oversized sign heralding the low-low prices of a particular establishment’s coca cola. And immediately following this message, a promise of savings on diabetes “supplies”. Any guesses which particular establishment this was? None other than Walgreens.

There’s SO much wrong with this scenario that it’s hard to know where to begin. Walgreens is a classic example of an American institution which claims to be looking out for the best interests of it’s customers, but instead is MAKING them sick then CASHING IN on their sickness. And no-one seems to have a problem with that!

If your mind is moving a little slower than usual, allow me to elaborate. Coke, and basically every other kind of soft drink available today, is a major contributor to development of diabetes. While doctors and the majority of conventional health practitioners would have you thinking that diabetes is primarily genetically-derived, arguably the biggest factor determining your likelihood of diabetes is food.

Foods high in sugar, in this case high-fructose corn syrup (amounting to 16 teaspoons of sugar in a single 16 ounce bottle of the fizzy black stuff), cause our insulin levels to spike. Chronically-elevated insulin levels pave the way for obesity, cancer and (you guessed it) diabetes. A study conducted last year found that consuming sugar-sweetened beverages (i.e. Coke) at a rate of one 250 ml serving per day (approximately two thirds of your average bottle of coke) would increase your risk of developing diabetes by 18%. For artificially sweetened beverages (i.e. Diet Coke or Coke Zero), that risk increase was a whopping 25%.

And Walgreens, the purported “giver-of-health” is selling three 12-packs of coke for $10. So really, the sign should say “increase your risk of diabetes by 18-25% for the low low price of $10!”.

And as if that wasn’t enough, they then had the gall to immediately follow this offering with one claiming that “savings on diabetes supplies” were to be found inside. Firstly, there’s something seriously wrong with the words “diabetes supplies”. To me, the word “supplies” suggests buying something en mass – sweeping great hordes of consumables into a pharmacy trolley to hunker down for the coming natural disaster or next economic crisis. So does this suggest that people are “stocking up” on diabetes supplies? Instead of cans of beans and water for that natural disaster, they’re loading up on diabetes drugs for the oncoming surge of diabetes from all that Coke drinking?

Secondly, they’re contributing to diabetes in the first place, then shamelessly making money off people who develop diabetes from consuming THEIR PRODUCTS! The nerve of it is astounding. And the worst part? It’s happening everywhere. Walgreens is by no means the only business to be so shamelessly contributing to then cashing in on people’s lack of intelligence when it comes to health, but they could at least TRY to be a little more subtle about it, couldn’t they?

The point is, be vigilant, people! The only person you can trust with your health is yourself, so get researching and find out what is and isn’t good for you. It may seem daunting at first, but once you get a feel for what’s healthy and what isn’t, you’re away laughing. And if in doubt, steer clear of processed foods and drinks – they’re almost always going to do you damage.





Natural Candida albicans treatment: what works and what doesn’t

Candida natural overgrowth treatment

[This is part of an ongoing series which looks at how to naturally, effectively and permanently beat your candida problem using methods which don’t compromise your health in the process. We’ve compiled all this information and more in a 30-day protocol in our comprehensive ebook]

Candida albicans. Hearing its exotic-sounding name triggers feelings of either anxiety or confusion. Anxiety, because you’ve heard about it, suspect you have it, and have no idea how to get rid of it. Confusion, because you’ve been living under a rock and somehow haven’t even heard about it. For you poor, confused souls, perhaps you should check out this article to see whether you’re suffering from it (hint: you probably are).

For the anxious masses, we’re here to help. Because despite what you might have heard, Candida is really just a misunderstood bacterial overgrowth which simply wants to be loved. And we have just the right ingredients to shower it with love and send it back down to where it belongs (in your gut!).

As we explore in a lot more detail in the ebook, Candida is actually an important part of your gut biome, playing critical roles in nutrient absorption and protection from infection. For this reason, embarking on a kill! kill! kill! mission of destruction against Candida really doesn’t do you any good – you’ll be wiping out something which is necessary for healthy functioning of your hot bod.

Do antifungals or antibiotics work against Candida?

Yup, they work. But, they’re not selective, and essentially wipe out your entire intestinal flora, including the good bacteria which are critical for digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, hormone balance, and numerous other vital roles. If your doctor puts you on a round of antibiotics or antifungals to get rid of Candida, you’ll possibly get rid of it but you’ll severely damage your health in the process. And it’s very likely that the reason you have Candida in the first place is because of antibiotics, as they kill the bacteria which normally keep Candida in check. What’s more, if you want to keep Candida away after your first round of antibiotics, you’ll have to keep taking them, as your body will no longer be able to naturally regulate it’s growth.

Does starving your body of sugar work against Candida?

Yes and no. Yes, reducing your sugar intake helps to starve Candida of a primary food source and in this way can help to curb it’s growth and expansion. This is what most “natural” anti-Candida diets propose, however they almost always take it too far – starving your body of sugar actually puts it into a state of stress, increasing Cortisol levels and weakening your immune system. Thus you may cut out one of Candida’s food sources, but you also reduce the body’s ability to fight it via natural means. The best approach is to reduce sugar intake and limit it to “safer” sources like raw organic honey or a couple of servings of fruit a day (max).

Do natural antifungals work?

They certainly seem to! And the leader in this area is none other than little old apple cider vinegar. Mixing raw ACV into your water once or twice a day sends this glorious antifungal through your digestive system, bringing it into contact with your Candida overgrowth and letting it work it’s magic. It somehow possesses the ability to support a healthy gut biome by fighting bad bacteria, controlling bacterial overgrowth or infections (i.e. Candida), and backing up good bacteria. Essentially, it fulfills the same role as pharmaceutical antibiotics or antifungals but has the decency not to kill everything like they do.

Are essential oils effective against Candida?

Yup, certain oils are very useful in your fight against Candida. Lemon essential oil, for example, has a strong detoxifying effect on your body, helping to cleanse your blood and support your liver. It also supports healthy immune function, and in this way provides a strong building block upon which your body can start to control the Candida overgrowth on it’s own, without the assistance of drugs or fancy schmancy diets. Other anti-Candida oils include frankincense and oregano essential oil.

Does diet matter?

Ah….let me think about that…YES!!!!! Of course it does. Diet is one of the key reasons why most people fail to bring their Candida overgrowth under control. It’s not rocket science, but eating a diet rich in saturated fats, healthy organic vegetables (lots) and fruits (not so many) and good quality protein sources (grass fed or pastured organic meat and eggs) will help your body re-balance its hormones and rebuild its immune system so that it can get to work on your Candida problem. Another big step is avoiding processed foods, grains, and most dairy products. There’s a whole lot more information on this (38 pages on diet alone, to be exact!) and how to structure your diet in our ebook.

Stick with it and let us know if you have any questions. You can do this!

How to not get overwhelmed with healthy lifestyle changes

Thrive Primal - how to avoid getting overwhelmed with healthy lifestyle changes
When you have chronic pain and digestive discomfort and headaches and anxiety and you’re tired and your hectic week just keeps rollin’ on, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the healthy changes you’re trying to make.
You might be spending hours a day researching what to avoid and what to buy and what to eat, and then realise you’ve gotten away from what you’re trying to do in the first place, which is chill out, and love yourself, and let your body heal.
I’ve been there, and I still go there at times. I call it a ‘brain full of butterflies’. You’re trying to catch one, but then another pretty one catches your eye so you go for it, but then you start going after a better one, and they’re all just flying around driving you crazy.

How to get past overwhelm when you’re working on healthy lifestyle changes

Here’s a quick 5-minute pen and paper exercise to get all those butterflies out of your brain, nail them down, and get your shit together so you can take a deep breath and have some peace.
Get out a pen and a piece of paper or a receipt or a napkin and do this RIGHT NOW. Don’t click to another tab and start googling another shiny solution. Do the work. Do it now. This will help you. Take a deep breath.


Scribble down all the health and wellness goals you want to achieve. I’ve decided to get raw, real and vulnerable here, and share mine.
  • solve anxiety
  • doTerra 30 day reset / cleanse
  • get rid of Candida
  • lose 10 lbs of fat
  • clear and improve skin
  • solve constipation
  • avoid wheat & sugar, break addiction
  • sleep better
  • move more
  • yoga daily
  • meditate daily
  • less caffeine, or none
  • make & eat fermented foods
  • heal my gut
  • get enough magnesium
 It would be nice to have all of those things wouldn’t it! But think about all the steps I need to take, OMG. So overwhelming. If I chase all of those butterflies how many will I catch – NONE!
But what’s awesome about the body is that everything is connected and interdependent. So you will find that many of your health goals will be inter-connected, and some big ones might end up being tipping points for a bunch of other ones.
I mapped them out like this all over a sheet of paper. This whole exercise took me maybe 5 minutes. If you still haven’t gotten your pen and paper out, DO IT NOW!
Thrive Primal - how to prevent overwhelm with lifestyle changes


Start drawing arrows between ones that might cause or naturally lead to another.
 For example, I want to improve my skin, and I know if I consume more fermented foods and get more sleep those things will cause me to have better skin. So I draw arrows from those 2 things pointing to better skin.
I know that if I avoid wheat & sugar, that will help heal my gut. I know that if I get rid of Candida, that will solve my anxiety and constipation. I know if I can sleep better that will help me lose fat. etc etc.
Keep doing that until you can’t think of any more.
Thrive Primal - how to prevent overwhelm with lifestyle changes

 STEP 3:

Look at all the things and notice which ones don’t have any arrows pointing into them, ie which ones are just plain ACTIONS that you must take.
Mine were:
  • Get enough magnesium
  • Make and consume fermented foods
  • Move more
  • Do an essential oils cleanse
These are the things you actually need to straight-up do, which will lead to all your other goals eventually rolling out as by-products. I’ll call them Actions.
Go over the other items on your page and just checkmark each, so you know that one of your big Actions is going to help you achieve each of your smaller goals. Check out my work below:
Thrive Primal - how to prevent overwhelm with lifestyle changes

 STEP 4:

List out the specific little steps that will lead you to be able to do the Actions you determined in step 3, ie Buy magnesium oil, get a spray bottle, buy the cleanse supplements, buy a cabbage, etc.
List how much time daily or weekly it’s going to take. For example, eating fermented foods is only going to take me let’s say an hour bi-weekly to set up a new batch of sauerkraut and kombucha, and then only a couple of minutes daily to consume a little bit of each.
Once I’ve bought and prepared the items I need for 3 of my 4 Actions (Magnesium, Cleanse and Fermented foods) each of these things will only take a couple of minutes daily (apply magnesium body spray, take my cleanse supplements and have some sauerkraut & kefir with my lunch).
The only thing that actually takes time or scheduling is to move more.
So now I’ve determined really there’s only ONE thing that’s kind of a pain in the butt that I need to figure out. NOT 25 things. 1 butterfly, not 25.
Yes, I still have to find 15-20 minutes a day to crank out some high-intensity intervals or power yoga with a youtube video on my mat in the living room in my undies. But now I know that all my goals are accounted for, and I can just take that 20 minutes and relish it and not stress about whether I’m taking care of everything I should be.

Why this is so powerful

Once you’ve figured out your Actions, don’t question them or think about anything else or let the butterflies start flying again.
Do these 4 things (or whatever number you’ve determined but 3-4 max!!) and do them CONSISTENTLY for at least 2 weeks. You can do them mindlessly and just shut off. You’ve done the mental work and the leg work by buying and preparing your stuff. Now stop over-thinking it and just go, on auto-pilot for 2 weeks.
Doesn’t that feel great? Isn’t it awesome being told what to do sometimes, especially when it’s by your own smart self :)
Flipping back and forth to different solutions and doing partial moves and attacks won’t actually result in any big succesful change. It’s like telling an army to advance, wait no retreat, actually let’s bring in the cavalry, actually wait a second where’s that catapult….you’re never going to win that battle!
You have to make the well-considered decision and then go for it whole-heartedly.
After 2 weeks maybe you want to re-evaluate, and that’s ok. If it’s going great, AWESOME, and maybe your 4 things have become automatic and now you can incorporate a few more actions, if you need to.
Maybe your list of a few things is still too overwhelming and you’re floundering. In that case the trick is to pick ONE thing that takes the least effort but has the most impact.
For example in my case I could reason that consuming fermented foods will end up helping me absorb, digest and eliminate my food better, so I won’t need to do a cleanse or take supplements.
Make that ONE thing happen each day and give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for sticking with it!! It’s a VERY important step in the right direction. Not only the actual action itself, but the fact that you’ve subconsciously affirmed that you care about yourself and love yourself.

 How can I help you with this?

Do you have a list of goals but aren’t sure which are the big tipping-point Actions? Are you trying to whittle it down to which is going to take the least effort but have the biggest impact? Let me know below, I’d love to help!
Thrive Primal - how to avoid getting overwhelmed with healthy lifestyle changes
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Wellness career: My experience with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

I’m writing this article having just finished my 1-year holistic health coaching certification through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition a couple of weeks ago.

This article is to share my experience with the IIN program and to help you discover a potential path into better personal wellness and maybe even a career in the health field, if it interests you. (Also check out my Become a Health Coach page!)

The buzz around Institute for Integrative Nutrition

I’ve read a lot of different comments and so-called “reviews” on Integrative Nutrition around the internet, and I noticed some of them weren’t even written by people who completed the course, they were just based on an outside point of view or hear-say.

Personally I think that’s pretty unfair, and I wanted to contribute an honest run-down as someone who has actually done the course.

All I can say about IIN haters is this:

Natural DIY_jealousy-01

Preventative healthcare (or often called “alternative”, even though it should be the main and primary approach to wellness, except in the case of an emergency) is a growing field, and its success threatens the monopoly that conventional medicine currently holds.

I think that scares a lot of conventionally-educated professionals, and companies who make a lot of money off of feeding pharmaceuticals to desperate people who don’t know any better.

This is not to say that I think IIN is for everyone. That’s definitely not the case and I wouldn’t recommend jumping into the course without a good amount of research and consideration.

All I can do is share my own experience, and hopefully that will help you gain more insight and help you get to wherever you are hoping to go with your health and your career.

Me before IIN

Before I enrolled with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition I was working in the interior design industry, which is what I studied in university. Actually working in your field seems to be a feat in itself these days, however I had discovered that I found it pretty shallow and un-fulfilling.

I would spend free moments at work googling natural solutions to health issues and the nutritional power of real foods. I was fired up about natural health and I wanted a certification to round out my knowledge.

Here are a couple of pages from my workbook at the beginning of my studies with IIN.

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Feeling stuck & knowing you have more to offer

You can see I felt stagnant in my job and really wanted to do something more meaningful and valuable.

I knew preventative, holistic health & nutrition was where I should focus for a career shift, because I literally couldn’t stop consuming information about it, and would talk someone’s ear off about it if they gave me half a chance. To this day when I catch up with my partner Will in the evening I’m usually raving about some cool new health or nutrition thing I researched that day.

Pros & Cons of IIN

I did a bunch of research before jumping into enrolling in a nutrition program, and I definitely had doubts about IIN.

My main reservation was how cheesy and almost cult-ish their marketing seems. I didn’t like how their site tries to push you to speak with a representative, and doesn’t actually give that much information about the curriculum besides some over-arching statements like “learn 100 dietary theories”.

When I eventually did talk to an enrollment advisor on the phone, I found her to be pretty vague in answering questions about the program, and kind of pushy and seedy.

However, the pros out-weighed the cons for me in the end, because there are some seriously AWESOME, UNIQUE things about IIN’s school and program. Here are some of the highlights from my perspective:

  • Learn from anywhere. I wouldn’t have been able to enroll in nutrition school if I had to attend classes, because I have to keep a full-time job. I listened to my lectures during my commute or while cooking dinner, and then spent a couple of hours on the weekend doing workbook exercises and taking notes.
  • Personal growth & business education. Unlike your average university education where you learn a whole lot of theory but then have no idea how to succeed in the real world, I really liked that IIN’s curriculum walks you through a gradual process of personal development, so you can clarify your ‘offering to the world’ and really make it a marketable, appealing package. This is exciting and useful whether you want to sell your services to the public, or just be able to convince yourself and your family to make a lifestyle change.
  • Mind-blowingly awesome lecturers. The contributing faculty at Integrative Nutrition is basically a who’s-who of the alternative health world. Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil, David Wolfe, Sally Fallon Morell, Dr. Barry Sears, Gary Taubes and Dr. Mark Hyman were some of the highlights for me. These are some of the absolute top names in forward-thinking nutrition and health. The cool thing is the IIN lectures are very recent and fresh so you get to hear about their latest work and research hot off the press.
  • Highly inspiring graduates. Although the marketing and enrollment process wasn’t that appealing to me, I got past that hurdle by checking out how successful some of IIN’s grads are. Some of the ones I find most inspiring are Isabel Foxen-Duke, Christa Orecchio, and Alisa Vitti.

 What IIN did for me

As soon as I enrolled with IIN, I had this huge, glowing, vibrating feeling of having opened the door to destiny or something. It was totally awesome.

During my year at IIN I’ve been able to:

  • present a series of wellness lectures at a large corporate office
  • land a paying client
  • connect with other students around the world who are valuable friends and contacts, and see how they have applied their IIN knowledge, whether for personal healing and growth or in a business context
  • learn how to take great care of myself and start showing myself a lot more love
  • learn a boatload of actionable techniques and strategies for lifestyle change and healthy eating, which I’ve applied to myself and also helped others
  • start and maintain a yoga and meditation practice, which is a huge step considering any type of spirituality or practice was a LONG shot away for me, one year ago
  • have my mind expanded about different nutritional approaches that can work for different people
  • learn how to market my services in a loving, genuine and valuable way
  • feel like I’ve finally found my mission in life that I can never get enough of!!

Some warnings or things you should know

As I said earlier, my goal with sharing this experience is to help others gather information and make the smartest, most informed decision. Here are some things you may want to be aware of if you’re considering studying holistic nutrition:

  1. It’s not an automatic job  – just like when you go to university or college you attend classes and study and write tests and graduate, and then you have to go out and pound the pavement yourself. You have to produce marketing materials (like a CV, or a website, or whatever) and make yourself known to the world. IIN is the same way. There is A LOT of juicy and inspiring information shared in the course, but actually doing the work is up to you. Making a new career happen, by yourself and for yourself, will be the scariest and most difficult thing you will do, but also the most exciting, exhilarating and rewarding.
  2. You will learn conflicting theories – I read one “review” of IIN (again by someone who hadn’t actually attended the course) where they said it was a “confusing and misleading” school that taught “many opposing theories”. That’s the interesting thing about nutrition – it’s not like math where there’s only one right answer. It’s more like politics or religion, where people are very quick to defend their personal preference, but a lot of different approaches CAN work and be effective. I see this as a positive point of IIN in that it doesn’t indoctrinate students with one “correct” approach such as veganism or macrobiotics or the blood type diet etc. It touches on all of these (and many more), exploring the pros and cons and suggesting where they might work for different individuals in different situations. This helps you experiment with applying or recommending different approaches that might be uniquely effective for you, your family or your clients.
  3. You will not be forced to do the work, and the tests are easy – surprise, there will be no one pestering you and watching over your shoulder to make you do the work. I found that IIN required a lot more independent motivation that even university did, since it’s distance learning and it all depends on your own passion and fire to make it happen. The tests in the IIN curriculum are simple and basic, more like a walk-through or overview of the information. However the information on offer is very in-depth and complex and it’s all there for you if you’re hungry for it.
  4. You get what you put in – I’m commenting again on other reviews of IIN that I saw before I chose to enroll, where the writer was complaining about basically not having an Ivey league accreditation and high-paying job handed over at the end. IIN is a certification, not an automatic ticket to the top. I believe that IIN is good for people who have that insatiable drive to engage with the world of holistic health and really feel that that is their mission in life. It’s not for those who just might want to dabble in a little bit of reading about nutrition, because they will not get much out of this course. If you want to do some casual reading, try just checking out some blogs or buying a couple of books on the subject, rather than engaging with a big investment like IIN that requires a passionate self-starter.

Is the IIN Health Coaching course worth it?

For me, it was totally 100% worth it. I’ve taken a huge step toward becoming the valuable, in-demand wellness professional I want to be, and learned so much about how to share that offering with the world. And judging from the comments, inspiration and excitement buzzing around the roughly 1500 other students in my enrollment class, they are all absolutely loving their IIN experience as well.

Who is IIN right for?

  • people who want to shift into the wellness profession but do not want to spend 4 years doing a degree. IIN arms you with the practical skills to get in the field and start counselling clients in one year, and you can even start while you’re a student.
  • people who want to start an incredible personal growth journey, regardless of their profession. A lot of the students in my class were working on their own health issues or wanted to help those in their family.
  • people who already have a related certification but want to expand their offering. This would be people like doctors, nurses, dentists, personal trainers, acupuncturists, social workers, dietitians, massage therapists, etc etc. The IIN approach is called integrative for a reason – it brings wellness knowledge full-circle to help counselors improve their clients’ lives from all sides, not just diet.

Who should not enroll with IIN?

  • people who need someone else to organize or direct their activities
  • people who don’t believe that nutrition and lifestyle practices can affect your health
  • people who cannot be bothered making a change or trying something new
  • people with a closed heart or judgmental outlook

The Thrive Primal IIN Discount Scholarship

If you’re feeling informed, engaged and inspired by this article, I’m excited to say that I’ve been given license to share a discount with my readers of up to 25%! To get the full discount, you have to pay the tuition fees in full before March 20. Click here to find out more and access the discount.

If you enroll through the above link, I will receive a small payment that goes toward keeping this site running, so I can continue to share this valuable information. If you appreciate the effort I put into sharing this info, it would be awesome if you could enroll through my link. Thank you!! :)

Shine on.

 Questions or comments?

As a proud and thriving graduate of IIN I’m totally keen on helping other passionate people have the same awesome experience I had. If you have questions I would be happy to help you out, just get in touch via the contact page.

Also check out my Become a Health Coach page for some interesting articles about why health coaches are so important to the future of healthcare, and to grab free info about the IIN program. Cheers!