Oil pulling: is it actually good for your oral health?

In my time as an alternative health guru, I’ve come across loads of old wives’ tales that simply don’t stack up. Tonics that cure all manner of illnesses. Home-made lotions that clear up all kinds of skin problems. Strange habits that somehow, mysteriously cure health conditions people have been trying to treat for years. Some work, and […]

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Real Food Recipe: Easy Healthy Plantains in a Pan

Thrive Primal - easy healthy plantain recipe

Have you ever seen those oversized weird-looking bananas at the supermarket? They’re plantains! A staple in traditional island diets, they’re a bit of a wildcard here in North America. They’re worth learning how to cook, because they have some great nutritional benefits. One of my favourite Paleo/Ancestral practitioners, Chris Kresser, talks about plantains a lot […]

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