Tag Archives: fix

Natural Candida albicans treatment: what works and what doesn’t

Candida natural overgrowth treatment

[This is part of an ongoing series which looks at how to naturally, effectively and permanently beat your candida problem using methods which don’t compromise your health in the process. We’ve compiled all this information and more in a 30-day protocol in our comprehensive ebook]

Candida albicans. Hearing its exotic-sounding name triggers feelings of either anxiety or confusion. Anxiety, because you’ve heard about it, suspect you have it, and have no idea how to get rid of it. Confusion, because you’ve been living under a rock and somehow haven’t even heard about it. For you poor, confused souls, perhaps you should check out this article to see whether you’re suffering from it (hint: you probably are).

For the anxious masses, we’re here to help. Because despite what you might have heard, Candida is really just a misunderstood bacterial overgrowth which simply wants to be loved. And we have just the right ingredients to shower it with love and send it back down to where it belongs (in your gut!).

As we explore in a lot more detail in the ebook, Candida is actually an important part of your gut biome, playing critical roles in nutrient absorption and protection from infection. For this reason, embarking on a kill! kill! kill! mission of destruction against Candida really doesn’t do you any good – you’ll be wiping out something which is necessary for healthy functioning of your hot bod.

Do antifungals or antibiotics work against Candida?

Yup, they work. But, they’re not selective, and essentially wipe out your entire intestinal flora, including the good bacteria which are critical for digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, hormone balance, and numerous other vital roles. If your doctor puts you on a round of antibiotics or antifungals to get rid of Candida, you’ll possibly get rid of it but you’ll severely damage your health in the process. And it’s very likely that the reason you have Candida in the first place is because of antibiotics, as they kill the bacteria which normally keep Candida in check. What’s more, if you want to keep Candida away after your first round of antibiotics, you’ll have to keep taking them, as your body will no longer be able to naturally regulate it’s growth.

Does starving your body of sugar work against Candida?

Yes and no. Yes, reducing your sugar intake helps to starve Candida of a primary food source and in this way can help to curb it’s growth and expansion. This is what most “natural” anti-Candida diets propose, however they almost always take it too far – starving your body of sugar actually puts it into a state of stress, increasing Cortisol levels and weakening your immune system. Thus you may cut out one of Candida’s food sources, but you also reduce the body’s ability to fight it via natural means. The best approach is to reduce sugar intake and limit it to “safer” sources like raw organic honey or a couple of servings of fruit a day (max).

Do natural antifungals work?

They certainly seem to! And the leader in this area is none other than little old apple cider vinegar. Mixing raw ACV into your water once or twice a day sends this glorious antifungal through your digestive system, bringing it into contact with your Candida overgrowth and letting it work it’s magic. It somehow possesses the ability to support a healthy gut biome by fighting bad bacteria, controlling bacterial overgrowth or infections (i.e. Candida), and backing up good bacteria. Essentially, it fulfills the same role as pharmaceutical antibiotics or antifungals but has the decency not to kill everything like they do.

Are essential oils effective against Candida?

Yup, certain oils are very useful in your fight against Candida. Lemon essential oil, for example, has a strong detoxifying effect on your body, helping to cleanse your blood and support your liver. It also supports healthy immune function, and in this way provides a strong building block upon which your body can start to control the Candida overgrowth on it’s own, without the assistance of drugs or fancy schmancy diets. Other anti-Candida oils include frankincense and oregano essential oil.

Does diet matter?

Ah….let me think about that…YES!!!!! Of course it does. Diet is one of the key reasons why most people fail to bring their Candida overgrowth under control. It’s not rocket science, but eating a diet rich in saturated fats, healthy organic vegetables (lots) and fruits (not so many) and good quality protein sources (grass fed or pastured organic meat and eggs) will help your body re-balance its hormones and rebuild its immune system so that it can get to work on your Candida problem. Another big step is avoiding processed foods, grains, and most dairy products. There’s a whole lot more information on this (38 pages on diet alone, to be exact!) and how to structure your diet in our ebook.

Stick with it and let us know if you have any questions. You can do this!

How to keep your feet healthy & prevent or reverse bunions naturally

Thrive Primal - prevent and cure bunions naturally

All the women in my family have bunions. And that freaks the crap out of me.

I don’t want yucky claw feet that look freaky in sandals, and more importantly that hurt all the time!

This is exactly the sort of thing I love to investigate a natural prevention or cure for. We don’t have to be victims to these sorts of conditions. A bunion isn’t something that attacks and we just have to succumb to. Although it’s true that some people are more prone to them (like my family) and some people can wear pointy shoes to their heart’s content and never get them.

But generally speaking a bunion happens over time, and it’s something we can prevent and even reverse naturally.

I want pretty, pain-free feet forever

Probably around age 25 I started to notice my feet would be kinda achey if I wore pointy shoes for the day. The pain was mainly in the big toe joint. Eventually I made the connection that this could eventually result in bunions. I started researching prevention immediately!

When you’re naturally more pre-disposed to getting them, you can’t just avoid pointy shoes, you have to proactively reshape your feet to keep them flexible and youthful.

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How to prevent & treat bunions without surgery

1. Get some toe stretchers! Mine are called Profoot Flex-tastic Toe Relaxers and they are TOTALLY AWESOME. At first I wore them every night for 5-10 minutes just when I was eating dinner or relaxing for a bit in the evening. I did that for maybe a week or 2.

Now, I only use them every couple of months if I feel a bit of tightness in my toe joint. They feel sort of pressurey when they’re on, but not uncomfortable. And then when you take them off your feet feel oh so flexy and lovely, like you want to do a twinkle toe dance. Very rejuvenating!

Another suggestion for relieving any pain and inflammation is to use some Deep Blue pain-relieving essential oil. It’s great for muscle and joint pain of all kinds. You can also rather conveniently get is as a rub.

We don’t realize how much stress our feet take every day and we should thank them and take care of them! If we don’t they will turn on us and make our lives hell! :)

2. Do some yoga! 

I’m not saying you have to spend an hour every night practicing or get a membership or learn how to do a headstand. I’m just saying use your toes mindfully when they are out of shoes. Use them to balance, spread them and grip the floor, and feel the power of each little tiny hard-working toe.

I’ve noticed since I’ve been practicing yoga semi-regularly my toes get sore a lot less often. I love balance poses like Tree, Chair or twisting lunges and arching upward while in downward dog to really feel the toe power!

Here’s a nice half-hour video with Yoga with Adriene that you can try. See how your toes (and obv your whole body!!) feel afterward!

And finally, yeees, you do want to avoid wearing those pinchy pointy shoes every day. Maybe keep them just for a sexy date night or when you need an extra confidence boost. It doesn’t mean you have to wear granny shoes, but a more natural toe shape that doesn’t literally re-shape you foot into a sad, cramped, diseased state is probably a good call. Your future self will thank you when you can still go for a nice nature hike when you’re 80 ;)

Please share below…

How do you show your feetsies some love? What tricks have you discovered for lasting foot health? Let us know in the comments so we can all help eachother out!


Thrive Primal - prevent and cure bunions naturally


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