Tag Archives: recipe

Real Food Recipe: Primal Gluten free Zucchini Pancakes

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You have got to try this pancake recipe!!! I whipped it up this morning and man are they tasty…the zucchini adds a little bit of nice moisture to the mix, as sometimes gluten free pancakes are sort of dry and sawdusty (especially with coconut flour because it absorbs so much moisture).

A great bonus is that they actually stay together and you can flip them nicely in the pan without them falling apart. They turned out beautiful!


I served them with a sauce made of frozen blueberries and fresh whole cranberries simmered in butter with a tablespoon of honey.

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Real Food Recipe: Primal Gluten free Zucchini Pancakes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Yield: Enough for 2 people for a large breakfast

Real Food Recipe: Primal Gluten free Zucchini Pancakes

Delicious and nutritious gluten free primal pancakes. The zucchini adds moisture and flavour! Yum! Delicious later on from the fridge as well.


  • 1 grated organic zucchini
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil (soft or melted)
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1 cup white rice flour
  • 1/2 tsp Upgraded Vanilla
  • 1 tsp cardamom
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup whey or milk
  • a pinch each of baking soda and baking powder


  1. Mix the eggs, coconut oil, whey and zucchini together first.
  2. Add the spices.
  3. Add the 2 flours and the bs/bp.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Heat up a pan on medium with a good amount of butter. Keep the butter just bubbling but don't let it smoke!! If it starts to turn brown it's too hot.
  6. I used a 1/3 cup measure for each pancake.
  7. Let the cake cook on the first side until you can jiggle the pan and top of the cake doesn't look liquidy, then it's ready to flip!
  8. Serve with grass-fed butter, raw honey, organic berries.

If you make this, let me know what you thought! How did they turn out for you? I think the temperature of the pan and the butter is pretty important for getting that nice crispy golden texture.

I’ll be posting instructions on how to get Upgraded (high quality toxin free Madagascar) vanilla and also how to get or make grass-fed organic raw whey at some point soon.



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Real Food Recipe: Delicious 5-Ingredient Wintry Pea Soup

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Ok people, this recipe is seriously delicious. Will and I whipped it up basically by accident last night to use up some leftover pork, and then re-heated it for dinner this evening. As it was warming up on the stove, I was seriously drooling even though I wasn’t even that hungry. It smells DIVINE. Like a platter of fried chicken and BBQ pork all smothered in tastiness.

And it is —SO—EASY—. 5 ingredients, that’s it! Heaps of veggies hidden in there, plus the super healing and immune-boosting nutritional punch of chicken broth. The one catch is you want to try and make your own good organic chicken broth if you can.

The easy way to have homemade bone broth in the fridge at all times…

We are in the routine of collecting all the bones from any good organic meat and fish that we buy. We put them in the freezer in containers sorted by type, and as they fill up, once or twice a week we just chuck one type in the slow cooker. Top it up with water and a splash of apple cider vinegar, and leave it on until the next evening.

We usually start it on High overnight, and the next morning turn it down to Low for the day. When we get home later, we scoop out the bones with a ladle or slotted spoon, and pour the broth into jars or containers. So easy, and you end up with lots of broth to keep in the fridge or freezer.

If you’re not up to making your own broth, just snag some good clean organic chicken broth from the store. “Clean” meaning no additives!

Real Food Recipe: Delicious 5-Ingredient Wintry Pea Soup

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes

Yield: 4 servings

Real Food Recipe: Delicious 5-Ingredient Wintry Pea Soup

A quick real-food dinner to whip up on wintry evenings. It stores or freezes really well so make lots and store in containers for easy future meals.


  • 3 big organic pork servings, or 3 big slices of ham (we used leftover pork shoulder from a Christmas dinner; you can use any type but just make sure you can chop it up into small-ish cubes)
  • 2 cups homemade organic chicken stock
  • 2 cups organic celery
  • 2 cups organic carrots
  • 1.5 cups dried split peas
  • 2-3 cups water
  • pink himalayan salt to taste


  1. If your pork is not already cooked, cut into cubes and cook it a bit in the bottom of your pot with some butter.
  2. Measure the peas into the pot and add 2 cups water, 2 cups chicken stock. You may need to add more water if it begins to look dry as it cooks.
  3. Finely chop or food-process the carrots and celery and add to the pot.
  4. Bring the whole thing to a boil, then down to a simmer and leave it for 30 minutes or so, until you can sample a pea and it's cooked soft.
  5. Add salt to taste, and serve. Yum!


RECIPE TIP: Add some chopped garlic, a bay leaf or some herbs such as marjoram, thyme or sage for even more savoury flavour.

KITCHEN TIP: Prep this recipe really quick and then get other stuff done while it simmers! Pack breakfasts, lunches and snacks for work, get the dishes done, do some squats, clean the litterbox, etc! So it really only takes 15 minutes of "active" cooking time!


I do realize the picture doesn’t look that appetizing…but what picture of soup ever looks that good? It always just sort of looks like mystery mush. You’ll just have to trust me on this one!

A note on split peas and carbs

I’m not sure about the paleo or primal-ness of split peas; I’m guessing they fall fairly low on the list, or in a gray area. They’re sort of a vegetable, sort of a legume. But based on stuff I’ve heard from Daniel Vitalis and Arthur Haines, I feel that primal hunter-gatherer types at least in the Americas seemed to gather a lot of wild grain and legume type foods. And lately I’m making a point of not being afraid of carbs. Not going overboard either, but having a healthy serving of lower-GI carbs in the evening is just fine. 

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Recipe: Super Tasty Anti-inflammatory Anti-Candida Immune-boosting Dip

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After fully enjoying all the tastiness of multiple holiday parties over Christmas and New Years (no guilt or deprivation here!), needless to say my digestion has been a little off. More sugar than usual, and less fresh, whole and fermented foods have led to a bit of trouble with gas and constipation. I also started to feel a little bit of Candida symptoms today.

My clean eating dip recipe

I decided to whip up a tasty nutritious dip that would shut that right down, plus help boost my immune system and heal any inflammation that sugary holiday treats have left behind.

Real Food Recipe: Super Tasty Anti-inflammatory Anti-Candida Immune-boosting Dip

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Yield: Enough for 2 people for a snack. Multiply the amounts if you're making for a party.

Real Food Recipe: Super Tasty Anti-inflammatory Anti-Candida Immune-boosting Dip

A tasty snack or party dip that is just as healthy as the veggies you'll be eating it with. Treat this dip like a prescription to give your immune system a boost, bring down inflammation and stop Candida symptoms. Also delicious as a burger patty topping, sauce for baked chicken, or as a dip with sweet potato fries.


  • 3-4 cloves raw organic garlic
  • 1 tbsp red palm oil
  • 2 drops oregano essential oil
  • 6 squirts Frank's red hot sauce
  • 1 tsp good whole grain dijon mustard
  • 4 tbsp raw organic grass fed sour cream, or use organic plain greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp raw organic grass fed kefir
  • 1/2 tsp ground turmeric
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • Generous sprinkle of pink Himalayan salt


  1. Smush, peel and chop the garlic cloves as finely as you can. Leave them to sit for a few minutes while you prepare the other ingredients.
  2. Pile everything else into a medium sized bowl.
  3. Add the garlic, and mix well. Scoop it all into a clean bowl to serve. That's it!


Kitchen tip: Chopping the garlic and then leaving it to sit for a few minutes allows the active ingredient, allicin, to increase by 8-10 times. This helps the garlic give you an even stronger immune and anti-Candida boost.

Nutrition tip: Use this anti-inflammatory dip to alleviate symptoms of headaches, hangover, joint and muscle pain, indigestion, cold and flu, or Candida.

Recipe tips: If you're not into spice, exclude the Frank's Red Hot. However, you should try to include the cayenne pepper as its medicinal ingredient (capsaicin) activates the medicinal ingredient in turmeric (curcumin) for stronger anti-inflammatory effectiveness. Try adding in other tasty whole-food ingredients such as fresh herbs, lemon juice or hemp seeds for a different flavour.


If you’re wondering where to find good primal-approved dairy products, see my post on where to find raw organic grass fed sour cream, or raw organic grass fed kefir.

 This recipe contains lots of awesome active real food ingredients which should help with symptoms like headaches, joint pain, acne, digestion problems, tooth decay, and cold/flu viruses. It does this by providing natural anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting compounds as well as probiotics, good fats and minerals. Oregano oil itself has over 32 anti-inflammatory compounds in it! ** Make sure you only buy therapeutic-grade essential oils, as the ones you buy at the health food store are only for smell are not safe to consume. However therapeutic-grade ones are potent medicines for the body.

Treat it like a prescription and eat every last tasty drop! You’ll be scraping out the bowl with your fingers, trust me!

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